The combination lock clicked open at his ministrations and from inside it he removed a crystal bracelet and a healing crystal. closing it behind him he slipped the accessory onto his wrist and held out his hand.
Towering Strength - Dragon TF
He asked, wandering around further, some of the crystals larger in some patches compared to others. one particular crystal did end up catching his eye, one that was just a little bit larger than he was, and he felt oddly compelled to check it out.
Rush for the Key:Fatom's & Mizori's adventure part A
Fatom said and placed his hand on the crystal trying to read the skill used, the crystal under his had turned a crimson red which caused the surrounding crystal to turn a light pink, it lasted for short while before changing back to to its normal color.
Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 1
The mother bear still lay awake, staring at the crystal the blue cub had brought with him. despite the darkness, the crystal still sparkled in the faint moon light. even though it was made of crystal, it felt strangely warm to the touch, comfortingly so.
Sapphire Transition Chapter 5
She opened her eyes wide and saw that crystal was coming up over her face.
show down in our world part 2
Red started if you remember the crystal from their battle from the arena "yes it's the crystals you had during your battles in the tournament, lucky for you too i had some backup and if you're wondering what i injected you with it is to keep your aura
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 15 -- The Second Portal
They breathed deeply and put their paws on the crystal, solar watching intently. they both yelled in pain and clenched their teeth as the shadow escaped from the crystal along their arms in a dark fire.
The Lost Dragon Saga (Part I)
She was trying to decide whether or not the person she was staring at was indeed crystal. it was difficult to fathom, but nonetheless it was still an incredible case of serendipity. "look," i said as i pointed at crystal. "crystal!"
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 1
The statue began to move, or at least, the paw that held the crystal moved. it extended toward spyro and turned upwards followed by opening its claw to reveal the crystal.
Indigo Nights- Chapter 21: The Zenith
The zenith crystal inside aarden's cannon tears through the steel, wedging itself into formation alongside ziegler's canine tooth.
First Contact
There could be seen a darkened crystal, severely opposing to the bright white which he now held. quick movements of the paw ensured that they would be replaced, only briefly showing circuitry which the crystal attached itself within.
Wasteland Survivor – Reaching out - ch18
crystal said, sighing. "ok ok."