Rush for the Key:Fatom's & Mizori's adventure part A

Story by MCD on SoFurry

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#2 of To find the seperation arte

Hey everyone it's me MCD again, well at the last look i had 20 something views and a 5 star rating which made me happy so i had to post more of the story now, due to the 8000 character limit and the fact that there was no way I could expand one chapter to be that much I will add 2 chapters I hope it makes the limit, also the paragraphs will be different then what I would usually post due to the chat limitation.....I love a challenge lol but anyway.

Fatom Fox created by myself

Mizori created by myself now on with the show

*~Fatom's adventure Part A ~*

Fatom looked back once to see Mizori's tail disappear into shadows before continuing down the path he had chosen; as he continued down the hall he noticed statues made our of the same material as the walls and floor upon closer inspection he noticed they where merged to the ground which led Him to suspect that this was once a huge piece of Alexandranoa and was hollowed out by the ancient race into this building. "But this dosen't enplane how they where able to damage this material and how or why they protected this building with an Alurian seal." he said to himself and looked around the hall way closely examining the wall for any possible signs of tools used to chip this building. "Nothing....thats not possible the only tool that can carve materials and

leave no marks would be magic..." he said then slapped his forehead with his hand as it started to make since. "The ancient civilization had to have been sages, that is why it lasted and explanes the amount of mana trapped in this temple." Fatom said and placed his hand on the crystal trying to read the skill used, the crystal under his had turned a crimson red which caused the surrounding crystal to turn a light pink, it lasted for short while before changing back to to its normal color.

"So it was blend of wind, earth, fire, and darkness..... I can't duplicate this move, pity it would be helpful in a fight." Fatom said and continued walking down the hall. Farther down there was what he was looking for a staircase down. "also made of this crystal why am I not surprised." He sighed and headed down, as the orb of vermilion fire cast eerie shadows on the wall which seemed to dance to a long forgotten melody.

The bottom lower floor appeared different then the upper level, The walls where still made of the same crystal but there where red sources of light behind the crystal which bathed everything in a red tint, the walls also had a gold trim on it. The carvings were more ornate and there where many more characters on the walls, From what Fatom saw there where more rooms and theses once had doors on them unlike up stairs. "I must be getting closer to the key.' Fatom said and entered the room nearest him.

Inside the room where walls upon walls of scrolls of lore. He started to look over the archaic collection surprised to see the majority of the tomes where new to him, his gaze stopped upon an ancient red leather bound scripture. He removed it from it's slot and blew the dust off. "The rules of confrontation?" Fatom said as he read the books title. He opened it up carefully as to not damage the book. " Each battle is to fought by warriors, Magic shall be sealed for the duration of the bout. Each participated party may only place one warrior in each tournament. The warriors may only use medevil weapons such as staves, swords, maces, and axes. There shall be no magic interruptions by the crowed or the sponsors, each match is a battle to the death with no breaks till one party if vanquished....." Fatom read aloud before trailing of into mental reading.

"Interesting, but not really helpful" He said and returned the book to it's location. He looked through the books a bit more before transporting some volumes of magic to his library in the Sage citadel and walking out of the room.

The hallway spread out in front of him as he walked, he peered in many rooms some of which where libraries like the room he first went into while other where peoples quarters and supply closets. "So the upper floor must have been a defensive point and entrance way, while this floor was the I must have to go lower to find the treasury" He said as he sat down leaning his back against the cold stone wall of the corredore. "This place didn't seem so large from the outside, no matter I got a few new volumes for my collection and I am close to the key I know I am." Fatom said and closed his eyes at this point the shadows closed in on him and grabbed him

before he could make a sound....His staff hit the ground echoing its metallic clang until silence once again stole the hall.

*~Mizori's adventure Part A ~*

Mizori continued down the hall observing the crystal walls and sighed as the majority of the rooms where to small for his big body to enter. "obviously not made for a dragon." he mumbled as he found a staircase leading to an upper floor.

"Another floor above this one? I thought the key was on a lower floor.... Might as well adventure though." Mizori said as he ascended the stairs which were just big enough for him.

The second floor was like the first the crystal walls remained unchanged , but unlike the first it was only one room which was a library or records room. Upon further inspection of the room another door can be seen.

Mizori walked tword the door and tried to open it, to no avail. "It seems to be made of wood how could my strength not destroy it?" Mizori wondered as he noticed the shadows start to stur. "Somethings not right here I have to leave." He said but it was to late the shadows materialized into creatures with human like frames but all the features where gone, it was pure darkness and pulled a weapon loose which looked like a spear. Suddenly the shadow rushed at Mizori, the spears black tip glistening in leatheality.

Mizori quickly took to the sky the spears tip barely missing him, instead the weapon struck a bookshelf behind him which then started to decintigrate into shadows, which floated upwards before vanishing into nothingness.

"I have to be careful that could be me." Mizori stated as he flew to what he hoped was a safe height, and hovered there. The shadow turned to face him, it's mouth moved though no sound came out, shortly there after the spear got what cold only be called a dark aura round it, which was darker then the shadows itself.

The Shadow slashed the spear which sent out hundreds of spears flying at Mizori. He dodged many of them but at last his speed failed him and he was struck in one of his hind legs, his torso, and his wings, which caused him to fall tword to the ground below as his body slowly turned into darkness.

He paniced and tried frantically to stop his desintigration,but it was useless as his wings faded and his his leg followed suit leaveing the rest of his body to slow change. "So much for a challenge... no matter He'll be here soon enough then we can have our fun." the shadow said in a feminine voice, this caused the dragon to worry even more he could hear them, the shadows, whatever they did to him it meant he was going to be one of them if he wanted to be or not. Slowly the darkness crept to his head and the last thing he saw was blue armor.


Demonix: This is bad we can't find Fatom or Mizori, even Metalix's telepathic ability can't find them where are they!

Sara: What do you mean my brother Fatom is missing! You have to find him!

*grabs Demonix's coller and starts shaking him*

Demonix: I am looking Sara don't worry we'll find them..

*Demonix leaves Sara*

Sara: Next time on Rush for the Keys, The comtinaion of of there adventure, Please Fatom stay safe , don't do anyhting you'll regret, and please com eout of this alive.