Chakat Thornbrier & AP&R History
The bus bomb had been targeting the many morphs who worked for her company.
Bio-Morph FAQ 2
Due to a clause in her employment contract stating, 'all her research and work is owned by the company', she and her son became property of her former employer. **what is the name of the company that she worked for?** yakeru bio-tech.
A Coyote Called "Bluebird"
They say that misery loves company. when you're alone on the streets, you want to _make_ yourself some company. i did it with every bit of brutality i could muster. yeah, these fangs of mine have spilled innocent blood.
Chapter 1
I asked him, he was the man who was the go to guy whom worked anything and everything for the company of yurits comet, the company i called myself. the man put his hand behind his head nervously scratching it and would then look at me sternly.
Rainy Day
With aaa (vehicle assistance) being over an hour away, the only thing she has for company is an old dispatch radio her father kept nailed to the dashboard.
Issue 00: Wellcome in Daracoss
Complaints can be submitted to the daracoss tourism agency (a company of the five dragons corporation) at the latest after (&ç\*= days of the event, or not at all...
Lumberjack (Chapter 1)
He had joined the company only three weeks ago, and every day beat him to hell and back.
Trial by Lightning
Were there any more moles inside of the company? only time would tell.
Carrier Wolves - Chapter 1: Making History
It hadn't happened at all yet, but the company had decided that there was no room for risk with the inevitable future where criminals would too roam space. it was already there, and no chances were taken.
Beer, Wine, and Spirits; Chapter 2 - Coping
The companies he had tried to gain employment from weren't returning his calls.
Ch. 20 -- A Warm Place
"everything you did, you did for the company", admonished shannon. "the company is family", wymera intoned. "no. family is family. people make sacrifices for family.
The life of a cub (Part 1)
Her late father had taught her that, said it was one of the criteria for inheriting the money and the company.