Chapter 19: An Intruder Is On A Loose.

Al began to wonder what did she meant by children. a moment later he saw at least a dozen kinds of digimon hopping toward al and biyomon. "these are her children?" al asked. "they aren't her children. they are the children that hatch from the egg."

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The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 1

The children all followed along and chanted beatifully acapella, with sister grace in her habit helping the children if necessary, which wasn't often.

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A Perfect Day - SHORT STORY

Perhaps she had just been so busy paying attention to her children that she simply ignored it. she set the device on the counter and discarded her purse beside it while her two children took up seats at the kitchen table.

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Chapter Twelve -- Island Idyll

Miyatsu had insisted that, if possible, his children should not be hindered by short fingers and long claws.

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Two Lost Lambs in the Forest

Their parents were not alone and had lead a small patrol of fifteen friends and the local town watch to find their missing children.

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The First Year

To three unicorn children, two gryphon children, four human children, and one teen-aged minotaur. the unicorns have whip marks on their flanks, the gryphons were hooded and their flight feathers plucked out.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 2)

I want children. i've known that since i was fifteen. i just don't want to leave my boyfriend to do so." "so you're going to have a child or children in college? you realize how ridiculous that is?" "hey, life is short.

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A Frigid Digiday

The giant digimon laughed gently, "of course children, now let's go play."

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Exiles of Mossflower: Chapter Three

"when i brought you back to life, i made you one of my children. my children are not male or female, but both in one perfect whole." "a perfect 'ole? i gots a male's spear on a maid's body. not ver' perf'ct where i'm standin'!"

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 11

But where the fuck had they found so many children? the children broke over my home like a wave. twelve of them. everywhere. everywhere!

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The Aesir Pantheon

Heimdall uses his children as part of his divine security network, often without letting his children know he's doing so. usually, the other gods have to inform his scions of their father's interest in managing their careers.

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