Chapter 1: A Nice Encounter

The jolteon pondered this for a bit "don't the chars usually travel in packs? i've never heard of one going on a journey on it's own." "you'll find that life is full of sounds that you don't hear."


Beware of cougars CH1 PT3

Lady sasha walks down the street largely ignored by the populace they do not see her quite well in her cloak of charred gray color. she steps up to the door of balls out tavern and enters.

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Blades and Brush-Prologue

Solely with his flam did he curse the soldiers of all species to forever walk with nothing but sorrow upon the land, showing their charred war stories wherever their souls wandered.

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An Encounter at the Foot of a Bridge

It needs to be at least 5000 characters (equals about 5 pages) in length, but it was just 4706 chars long." meh, so i made it longer. now it fits. the fierce warrior is dancing! oh, he is so handsome!

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Working Hard

"hey, buddy," she said aloud to the inert wreck of wiring and charred white plastic, "let's see what we've got here."

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Vignette: Acts of Intent

Burning, some part of him reddening, blistering, flaking and charring. > _his sigillarium sat distinct from his notes. those were ash now, long gone.

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The Story Of Shadonhess

Most of the buildings had fallen completely in the flames, while others where blackened, charred, and falling apart.

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Chapter 2: An Unwelcome Visitor

She looked up and saw the charred remainder of the ground the gargoyle stood on, and knew it was forever dead. however, she couldn't get up... her legs wouldn't heed her brain's command as she tried to stand.

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Outsider Ch.1

\>w\< this story is probably just going to be for my fantasies, so the chars will probably seem really mary sue-ish. but that is how i like my fantasies! \>3 yus, there will be more chapters, and they will have sexy stuffs in them.

Rising Anew-Chapter 8, part 1-

In the two smaller rooms he notice two small boxes with pipes leading out the windows covered in char marks. he sighed happily when he noticed the beds. "beds!!! oh sweet heaven!!!"

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Nosho ai Rebelo a Malko. [ Song of Rebelo and Malko ] Chapter 1

There would be bare flesh for a while, but they would no longer be charred black. after about an hour of the healing massage, she was taken to the holding room, where she would be watched and reawakened when it was clear she would be fine.

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

Every time a guard had to raise their rifle to llijah, they would be found later as little more than a charred corpse, curled up and frozen screaming in agony where they had fallen.
