Hunted Hunter Short Story
Her onyx skin and dark hunting garb would help act as camouflage within the shadow of the tree, making her almost invisible to prying eyes. from her vantage point, the floor of the clearing looked to be an autumn mosaic.
the war of the new world
He had to roam the plains in the nude in order to maintain his stealth with his camouflage fur. he turns left and climbs the stairway until he reaches the top of the wall and glances around for sern. "looking for someone?
RVA: The Red Vixen Redux
Salli raised her head up, revealing the black lens of her artificial eye, the camouflage turned off. "i'm coming along.
Commission: Interrogation
"not yet," replied gabby, a gazimon who wore a black tank top, camouflage capri pants, black fingerless gloves and a black leather belt. "but when i do i'm gonna give them some of this!" she exclaimed, punching her hand.
Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348
The forest was now a horror show, each and every tree a possible location for the attacker to camouflage himself.
Dragon Storm: Chapter 20: Ten minutes between Life and Death, Rio's Impossible Dream!
Rio looked to his side to see that lazz had already used his camo-abitiliy and was hiding for an ambush. rio knew lazz was confused at what had just happened, so he began to explain. "nice move." rio said.
Humanity Gone
I chased after them in my heavy camouflage, and they ran around the corner. when i got there they were gone, and i knew it was not only a memory, but also a sign that one day all of this fighting would pay off.
Opponents of Dusk chapter 3; Shut Up
And her stature was strait and at attention, and the clothes she war which where a blue camo hoodie with hazard symbols on it made me think she was in our military, but i saw no insignia. "so could she help us with the jack off thing?"
Point 89-2
Much to the horror of the family within the unit he'd just been thrown through, the sound of childlike screams filling the air as he slid to a halt on his side, feeling every fibre of his form ache, deep bleeding cuts from glass that had slashed through his camouflage
Repercussions, Chapter 1
The canine stood at about six feet tall, wearing full camouflage. he looked at phil and sighed. "not all of you deserve to die, little one. now run in to that big bush and hide before my teammates see you.
War Paint
And what else could he do- the leather jackets and the pomade for his head-fur, the switchblades were the camouflage and armor for a damaged warrior, which he saw in the mirror?
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 23-Great Eight Festival
Right off the bat i was drawn to a desert camo patterned kawasaki ninja that was stripped to the bare minimum and still being able to run. the tires were bigger tan normal and it was sporting an interesting transmission with eight gears.