
Shadowed... My dearest, in peace, may you find the place I couldn't ever show The heart felt filled with joy abundant to those who could always know My footing is deep in part with pains I won't overcome Lives that live this way endure till...

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Merry Christmas <3 =^-^= <3

Merry Christmas \<3 =^-^= \<3 Enjoy a drink with those who's stories you'll share beyond their being one day Listen carefree as time & gifts get carried away Find for the moment, more than whats needed to be better Laugh happily at each &...

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Humbled... Surrender to something you can't see Divide what can only live when it needs to hide, let worry be free Silence the cells that hold hurt motions already made Set the vivid fears aside in the sun & watch them fade Kneel to...

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Way't... Slow to the music, fast to the times I admit a few memories of stepping over a dollar to pick up the dimes Money never a part, the places I saw worth while I keep close to heart, fondly daunting with a smile Luck more than...

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Fur sure...

Fur sure... Secure of pure pleasures beyond timid tails Complete in defeat, stories never are shared with fails Image lost to perfections carefully put in place Reflection matching mental perfection, all that's left is a practices...

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Pic-sure... Sound in thought, easy to follow I carve into my days numbered, lost in a chance, knowing I'll eventually be hollow... It circles my every thought as I lay in bed Breathing easy, yet finding no pause for the racing mess in my head It...

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Victimes... Somewhat out of place, yet, making time to be the same One can, as all should, make moments with reasons for remembering their name Slipping among the ground bare of meaning Some study, trying talents or practice, while others give into...

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Jus so U know...

Jus so U know... --- for my "Kitty Bunz" \<3 =^-^= \<3 --- Drifting among dreams still slowing in place I gaze above at the one I love, that familiar face Smiles warm me down below Each wave giving me more reasons to stay & grow Heart on a...

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Buzzness... Sips of motivation slowly break away my deepest frustration My never-ending disagreement with time & joy A fight for what I feel is right I've had since I was a boy Common ground lost in the blink of an eye, leaving only hesitation &...

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Night thoughts - 8. - because why not De-lay... Beneath a barrier, beyond a point of no return I've found something scarier, a flame dancing that doesn't burn A light never on, but showing all around by sight the same A person never-existent, that...

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Night thoughts - .7 - BECAUSE Y KNOT

Night thoughts - 7. - BECAUSE Y KNOT These days... Time keeps slowing down, fourth than I feel need be I keep losing sight, all wrongs somehow right, but not to me... Truth has become something numbing when spoken Making me at times, jus feel...

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Night-mirrors... Many a day I stay away, into the depths of my imagination, but never seem to play Shadows dance around me as I struggle to see, it seems even in my dreams I fall asleep & wake somewhere I'd rather not be Often times, I awake...

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