The Rising Fallen Star 2 - Shybert
The early morning was the most peaceful part of James' life currently, regardless of his health. Even whilst struggling under the grip of the recent dreaded Booboo epidemic, he was able to simply lay back and relish the soft soothing sensations of the...
The Silent Rain 3 - From Whence We Came
"_Hey._" The younger burmecian opened his eye towards the mouth of the shelter. His breath froze in his throat at the sight of the small rat-faced child who sat next to his ear and whispered to him: "Sorry fer leaving ya before, haha, don't wanna...
The Silent Rain 4 - One Who Does Not Exist
"Sh-she betrayed me, SHE BETRAYED ME!" "I TOLD you," said the boy on Oberon's back, "didn't I tell you about Gizamaluke, she brought it here!" "Wh-wh-why, why-HHHH!" He tripped in his staggering run, frantic with tears through the wilderness of...
Extinction 2 - The Five Hearts
On the outer rim of this strange hollow dimension, beyond the reach of the mist and the demon's eye, a spirit came creeping. A room designed like a small laboratory, with spheres crackling light held within claws of stone that communicated to...
Extinction 1 - Of Fathers and Sons
**_THE SCRIPTURES OF ODDCLAW_** **Eighteen-and-Two: Extinction** _"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was."_ _Anne Sexton_ _They are here at last._ **_So I...
Extinction 3 - We Stand Together
In the gentle silence of an old study, five people slept in the safety of old chairs as the sounds of tender breaths filled the room with soft snorting sounds and little twitches from their dreams. The smell of old books was strangely soothing to...
The Promise 4 - To Her Love
In the depths of the abyss, a roaring howl swept across the darkness as two shadows stepped before a colossal pillar of swirling flames. One was Martin, thin and grey with his staff; the other Lucas, tall and looming with his muscular...
The Promise 3 - To Her Friend
The shadow fled from the mountains, hurtling down the cliffside at a violent pace with a whispering shade. The vile blizzard ripped through his cloak of silver, his feet never touching the ground as he skimmed over the ice and soon touched upon...
The Promise 2 - To Herself
Standing at the edge of the forest, Mary wept on her knees. The howling call of banshees swept the realm as she stared upon the lake beneath, a grand ocean of black water where she caught her reflection briefly. Herself as a child smiled...
The Promise 1 - To Her Family
"Robert?" A child's voice rang through the woods. "Roooobeeeeert?" Nothing called back, not even the sound of birds strangely absent from this forest. "Robert where...
Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.6 - A Quiet Night
As the sun went down over Kaijurocho, the chime of 7 o'clock ringing out over the city, Gordon McCartin stood outside the Poppo convenience store in a pale striped jacket as he looked above to the singing lights of neon starting to blink with a...
Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.5 - The Language of Flowers
As lieutenant of the Obakimura family, Kiryu rarely ever came to the Toho Clan headquarters but it always astonished him every time he visited. The grand pagoda of black-lacquer tiles and austere wooden front, in a courtyard of stone lanterns and...