Shaga - Étudier sur le terrain

Un lourd silence se déchaîna sur la rue tandis que le petit homme blond tentait d'assimiler l'information. après ce qui me parut une éternité, il ouvrit la bouche à quelque reprises avant de réussir à reprendre ses esprits. c'est...

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 22

The assimilation of the two species was so complete that they literally considered each other family.

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Outbreak to the Sky

They eventually assimilated them, and maybe even spread their side of draconic out of our lands. - that's amazing! but for the road, do you know about anything i could use on the other side of seehal? - sorry, not really.

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Manhunt: Inflator Style Season 2 (Complete)

Movies and video games had become the new fiction section, while google and wikipedia had assimilated the nonfiction and reference section.

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