Night 1

Night 1 / 6 "once again, the process continues. another innocent person has been titled night-shift, and you have phone guy there to help you and etach you the ways of the fazbear crew.

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Chapter 1

#1 of all alone hey everyone! let me know what you think! it is about a wolf named skylar and the loneliness he goes through in his life, but that might change.

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Chapter 1

Two years have passed sence the horrible day when the young wolves lost there parents and they all still remeber the day vividly. The young wolves have traviled for a long long time trying to get as far as possible from there old land. The young wolves...

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Chapter 1

#1 of ken's suprise it started out like any other day, he was thinking. but where did it go so wrong? how did i end up hogtied, pawcuffed, and blindfolded in a strange building? "ooh yeah....

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The Waterpark (1)

Excited eyes dashed from left to right as Max looked at his fox owners talking. Today was a special day! Today they went to the waterpark! Of course all dogs loved to swim, and Max was no exception. Going to the lake was nice, going to the swimming...

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Day -1

#1 of days just before the beginning. * * * holidays, the best thing a student could dream of. i had postponed my last year of university and had used all my money i had saved up to do a backpacking tour of the world, and it was going great!


Day 1

Ok, please, someone give my muse a sedative, this is not healthy, its 2am and all I can think of is how much I have to keep writing. Oh, and for those wondering what the inspiration for this set of pieces is, listen to Trent Reznors (nine inch nails)...


Chapter 1

#1 of 4th and inches hey. hey read this. this is the first chapter of something i've had in my head for a while as a series. i just wanted to post it here and see if i got enough interest to keep it going. please leave comments and feedback...

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Cataclysm - #1

#1 of aetrin an introduction to the main character (aetrin) of my short story series. the first of more related shorts to come. content warning: references of death, loss of a loved one.

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Chapter 1

Our story begins at twilight, as night approaches over the kingdom of Avalon. In a high turret overlooking the castle and the town stretched out before it, King Morticai sat at his desk, staring out of the window at the distant shore, where a ship sat...

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CARDBOARD 1 cardboard episode 1 cat appliance reaching down beyond other ages and relative dimensions by calextheneko "wow..." lockely was sitting at his computer desk, and was happy to see it was in fact his computer desk.

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Nat 1

It came up as a 1. "ohhh nat 1. that's not good." mr. smashy groaned. "the magics burn through your body, and suddenly you find all your equipment and clothing dropping to the floor all around you as the world grows much larger.

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