Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen

"He hardly calls any more," Dagen complained, knowing full well that he sounded like a churlish old fishwife but not caring enough to stop. "I almost feel as if I've been abandoned." "You got along just fine before you had Victus in your life," Abbot...

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Tobias's Tale: 2nd draft

Tobias sighed, his stomach uneasy as I stretched, trying to calm himself down. He walked out and smile lightly, the sun was shining, making the small village look calm and serene Leaning on his walking stick, he set off, the cool air making him shiver...

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Kaiju Hunters 3-Day One

After boarding the space shuttle and a few seconds of hyperspace travel I finally arrived at the Jaeger Pilot Academy, this place was phenomenal. It was built like any major city in the quadrant and they even had holding pens for live Kaiju-ACTUAL!...

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Future Sanctuary - Chapter 9: Not All Enemies Are From Outside

Future Sanctuary Chapter 9 - Not All Enemies Are From Outside As the first rays of the rising sun reach across the battlefield from the night before, Jim Ward surveys the scene from high atop the command crawler's observation deck, his helmet resting...

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Ander's Zombies Ch. 5

Hi all, went through a period of moving and in general, being way too busy to be an arteest. Enjoy! The cabinets in Delia's kitchen were white pine, purchased three years ago when she was still married as part of an extensive remodeling project that...

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The Silver Dragon

_Well this is my first attempt at writing anything like this so I hope you like it, and please leave some tips on how to improve my writing skillz. Thanks and please enjoy! :)_ _\*Edit Credit to artist of this pic, its awsome! :3_ Silver woke up...

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The Gauntlet

Okay guys the second one in this hopefully sustainable series. This was a commission for DB (DarkBane-T) over on FA who came up with this idea which somehow seemed to work with this particular song which I had a rough idea initially but didn't know how...

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Darkness 4: Things Fall Apart

Lunging at Mulvaney, I thrust my sword at his chest, aiming for his heart. At the last second, he steps back and deflects my thrust with the flat of his rusted blade. I am caught off balance and stumble forwards, trying to turn my slip into a...

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 11

(Song: Ka-boom Ka-boom by Marilyn Manson) (Scene: The Death of an Immortal/Kimona Gets Molested) Eveser awoke with a start. He looked around, he was in his room. For a few moments, he didn't remember even his own name, but then it all hit him...

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 10

(Song: Psychosocial by Slipknot) (Scene: Dameon's Transformation/Aftermath: Lives Lost to the Invisible) Dameon paced the chamber where the Gyro stood. His hands were clasped together behind his back and he was holding an unlit cigar...

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Descendant: Chapter 1; From Humble Beginnings

\<Author's Note\> Okay guys and gals, RozWolf is back in business. I'm trying to break out of a rut I've generated in my main story to bring you an all new adventure! Hopefully this gets me back on track while I ponder how to go about continuing...

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Outside The Walls

Hello this Is my first story, I hope you like it, please leave comments below. Sorry for spelling mistakes. :) and thanks to mistertoes for editing. ...

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