Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft

Odhie: dull silver dragon (f); 220 years old; overweight at 1,250 st (changed to slender white), 44 hands (14' 8") tall.

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It reminds me of that silver dragon in the bear's first novel." "khol? yeah, he did mention that their relationship was based off of a few things.

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Proper Programming Prevents Poor Performance Part 1

With crys' aide he walked over to one of the ice walls and looked at it in the reflection of the ice; a shiny silver dragon in a circle was in his neck, a representation of the new piece of hardware inside him.

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Dragon's Paladin: Chapter 15

"kind auron, we are here to meet the silver dragon that resides on this mountain. we were with her son, but our party got separated."

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 8

From among the stars, the three--mind, heart, and kindred spirit--howled their song of love, weaving its gift into the heart of an immortal silver dragon.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-2

James dreamed of a beautiful silver dragoness whose heart was pure and full of love. he looked into her bright blue slit-pupil eyes that seemed to glow with an inner light and felt the warmth radiated by her body.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 5

When the transformation was complete, everyone stared in awe at what they saw--a magnificently beautiful all silver dragoness bathed in light, whose claws looked as if they were made of crystal and her blue eyes were as sapphires lit with an inner light.

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When Worlds Come Together

The silver dragon was sitting down with us still on its tower. neither i nor my companion could move very fast with our injuries. my companion was the first to go. a sickening crunch was all i heard as i continued to try and get away on my bad ankle.

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