First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- EXTRA -- {Kuroshingon}
Shadow was not completely sure of whether this injury would be tantamount to something dangerous, then again, he wasn't really sure if it was as well. something odd was embedded to the weapon that wounded him, he didn't feel right.
Where the Marrow Should Be
But not complete. it's only complete during ... well, a biting ... " she trailed. not elaborating. only repeating, "you are ... cute. smart. you are worthwhile. that's why i'm ... badgering you." a giggle.
Eternal Phantasia - Prologe
But not completely sure. thats why i want you two to go down and investigate on the matter... don't worry, we'll be watching you."he said as both wolves nodded their heads and steped into the teleporters.
The Treehouse
not completely confident in the sturdiness of the structure and it's ability to hold his weight. once reassured, he lifted himself up inside completely and sat down beside his son. "well jace, what you reckon? not too bad is--?"
The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions
The only part of this story i'm not completely satisfied with is when latias is trying to get out of leaving altomare. that section falls a bit flat, and i'm not sure why. it could just be the perfectionist in me.
In-Between Ch. 4
Maybe not completely, but in his state it has become something of the past. the memories we shared he forgot. the smile he once came running to that temple with has vanished.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 6
He would be the only living thing in this world, and everything that used to be alive would be within him, not completely dead, but fulfilled, their purpose met. it was only a matter of time. soon, very soon, vallah wouldn't be alone anymore.
Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 6
He would be the only living thing in this world, and everything that used to be alive would be within him, not completely dead, but fulfilled, their purpose met. it was only a matter of time. soon, very soon, vallah wouldn't be alone anymore.
VTQ: Gooification
The others on the couch mostly just rolling their eyes at them, not being gay like themselves and not completely used to it. it didn't help that they had all been friends since they were kids and the two dating was a complete shock.
Laurin tales: JJ's story chapter 1-2
Sorry for being so rude, but recently cubs have just been making such a mess of my shop, chasing others away" "it's fine, sir" jj replied, still not completely sure what was going on "mind babysitting while i go do some shopping?
Chapter 1: The Raid
It was stranger still that they were _preferable_ in the cattle and that those who were not completely brain dead were considered too lively.
Valkyrie - Book 2 - Chapter 1 - Night (Re-edited and Reworked)
The massive motherships that appeared somehow translucent, almost as if they were not completely existing in reality, open fired on the main cities inflicting a massive death toll worldwide of over thirty billion people.