The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 35
This time though he didn't notice it, nor did anyone else for that matter, in this very moment, for the whole group, the ice dragoness meant less than a speck of dust.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 16
The ice dragon stared at the tired figure in his grasp, matted, sweaty fur, bleeding leg, a wreck as if someone would just pull him out from the belly of a death hound.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 10
Spyro was aware that cyril isn't a guardian merely because he is a friend with volteer, terrador and late ignitus so the ice dragon's rather serene response was no surprise to him. behind that aura what might say of blind arrogance hid intelligence.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 10
Sorry iris but i need to say this" the ice dragoness snorted.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 1
dragoness commented with heavy eyes "iris!"
Love lost, love rekindled
I was surprised at the ice dragoness' kindness as with any other dragoness i would surely have met an untimely demise, well they would have swallowed me but that doesn't affect me thanks to a little trinket.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 20
One day or another, you need to understand that your partner is an ice dragon. it's not good to train out of sync with her." "so, you've noticed the property of my blade?" "yes.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 2
When it came to the ice dragoness and her spectrum of vile responses, irritation seemed like a polite plea. "whatever hit you iris was strong, very strong, your body carried damage from at least two fights to me.
Wolves' Legacy 2: Chapter 19
Her name is azureath, a northern ice dragon...wait, are you really from the north?" "why do you doubt my heritage to this day, hans? i thought you..."
Chapter 2 -- The Newcomer (revising)
Flare stood by him, so proud of her ice dragon's ability to heal others so quickly. spyro and cynder were talking quietly with ignitus in the corner. "he's definitely a dragon, but i've never seen anything like this," ignitus whsipered.
The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 6: Soul Burn
While built like a fire dragon, parts of his body had naturally developed into that of an ice dragon, particularly those related to his own internal temperature.
Richard and the Fae - Ch07 2021-08-12
"who better to send than an ice dragon for the queen of air and dark? we get along quite well, really, though her sense of humor is rather obscene at times." "what about svetlana, then? is he, like, the daughter of fenrir or something?"