Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Fourteen
"or would you have preferred that he _let_ that bounty hunter kill him?" boam raised his hands. "what? no! nothing like that! i'm just saying, we're already past the point of no return.
A Tail of Two Peoples - An Unexpected Ally
Since then, they'd been on the run from their father's mercenaries, slavers and bounty hunters.
Dragon RP-Dragon Character Creator
Scavenger,wanderer,explorer,geo mapper,courier,bounty hunter weapons weapons vest 20mm llr w/mk-48 gpmg weapons vest dillon aero gatling gun w/mk-48 gpmg weapons vest mk-19 suppressed grenade launcher w/mk-48 gpmg weapons vest twin
Chapter Two - The Brothers Gael
As long as one didn't harass the locals, not only were no questions asked, but the locals would protect their patrons from law enforcement and bounty hunters as well.
Noir Hero part 3
#3 of noir hero **part 3: the bounty hunter** there was a sudden noise that filled the air, and dragon roared again, but something was off this time. i opened my eyes to find the dragon had an arrow stuck in its eye.
Noir Hero part 2
By now master, or my former master, would be sitting in his home waiting for his ungrateful wife to come back so he can travel to the city to hire a bounty hunter. i made my way into the cave and found a large smooth rock that i could lie on.
Fall of count Shal
"i am known as balkun and i am what you would call a wizard bounty hunter" said the phoenix. "so why do you need my help?" asked shika still a bit confused.
Desperation and Beyond
'i'm a bounty-hunter. or...i was, i guess,' replied shayde. 'you learned swordplay?' asked kibroy. shayde nodded. 'yes. i learnt from a sword-master, ty-long. he taught me everything i know.' kibroy smiled widely.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 9 Part 1 of 2
"i don't have numbers, but i can say it's more than seven and less than twenty--the foreign bounty hunters aren't too much of a worry." "twenty?" farnsbeck gasped.
Kade Chapter 6
"right now, he's a bounty hunter," kade explained. "and why doesn't chief gray want us to talk to him?" kade shrugged. "just wait, you'll figure it out." _assuming diamond doesn't shoot him dead,_ kade thought worriedly.
New Best Friend
I dropped my coat next to him, no reason to advertise i was stalking around the neighborhood as a bounty hunter.
The Chaos begins
They found the time of use was the date of the attack on the bounty hunter's guild hq." "was there any tampering with the portal?" "yeah. several unique parts were taken apparently, as well as the spares.