The Chaos begins
Twin World Revolution
Chapter 1: The Chaos Begins
Author's note: Well, here it is! The first chapter of my new story. I hope you all enjoy it! Please leave comments!
Summer was over on Amorphis, but on Earth, it was just beginning. Mira had started preparing to get a degree in ballistic technologies at a university here on earth, so Sarah was Lacyus' 'big sister' again. Of course, William, Sarah's son, took quickly to Lacyus, and Sarah, in a fox ritual, made Lacyus his uncle. Foxes were very strict with their families and who they held within them. They didn't just hold anyone as a close friend. And to be sworn into a fox's familiy was a sign of great trust and friendship as well as a great honor.
Sarah had rented a cabin for us. Our group included Sarah, Will, Lacyus, Me, Rykuu, Hannah (who had managed to convince her parents to allow her to go on a 2 week cabin trip) and Ennica (her human name was Riica, pronounced Ree-ca). The Cabin itself was in a perfect location. It was situated in a cove on Shuswap Lake in the interior of British Colombia. The cove provided perfect shelter from human eyes so we could go swimming in our xenomorphic forms. Inside, it had more stuff than Sarah's apartment. A big screen TV. Enough bedrooms for everyone. It was a summer paradise
We were all relaxing outside the cabin during the second day of our vacation. The heat was kept down by the lake but it was still very hot. Both Lacyus and I could now achieve a full dragon morph on Earth, the rest had to stay in half dragon( we could return to half-dragons at anytime).Nephilla was still suffering from dragon's flu, so she napped most of the day. Rykuu alternated between trying to relax and spending time with Nephilla. Lacyus was basking in the sun, napping in just his swim trunks. All of us were enjoying the vacation except one. Ennica was sitting on the dock, an almost visible shell of loneliness shrouding her.
I walked down the dock and sat next to her. I was practically her best friend so I knew she would tell me what was wrong. "Ennica, what going on."
She gave a discouraged sigh. "I miss my mom.... And Echelon. She always said she would take me somewhere like this...."
"Your mom right?"
"Yeah, and tonight's supposed to be my first ever date." Ennica's eyes lowered a bit. "I went through the whole nine yards.... getting a decent dress, perfume... and it's going to be ruined..."
I gave her a concerned frown. "You're not gonna screw it up. Just don't be nervous."
"That's not it. After his brother's wedding, Echelon was reassigned to an investigative squad for the Order of the Realms. They were checking out the human Damocles portal facility with a group of US Navy Seals and British SAS. Apparently, the facility was abandoned, but it had been used recently. They found the time of use was the date of the attack on the Bounty Hunter's Guild HQ."
"Was there any tampering with the portal?"
"Yeah. Several unique parts were taken apparently, as well as the spares. One was a dimensional co-ordinate stabilizer, a part we Xenos designed for the humans. Another was a plasma processing unit. That part we improved from the human design. The last part was a series of memory cards containing all the data needed to operate the system. All in all, the parts are absolutely one of a kind. Nothing else in the world like them."
"Can the portal be rebuilt using these parts?"
"Theoretically yes."
"So how is this going to ruin your first date."
"Echelon said he won't be home by tonight. Maybe in two days if he's lucky."
I shook my head. "That's gotta suck."
Ennica wiped a couple of tears out of her eyes. "Sorry, but I need time to think..."
She got up and left, heading inside the cabin. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. However my attention quickly shifted.
Lacyus was snoring slightly, belly down, as I walked up to him. It was amazing he could look so harmless when he was a purebred Helldragon, one of the legendary Xenomorphs. Of course, I was one too, but like him, I was just a teenager. We never sought out any villages to terrorize or demonized structures to exorcise. We just were teenagers in love.
I gently laid down on top of him, wrapping my arms under and around him. He opened his eyes and look at me, half asleep.
"Hey." He whispered. "Haven't given you a proper kiss yet today..."
"You gave me one when you woke up."
"That wasn't good enough." He rolled over, smiling affectionately.
"Well, give me one now."
We both closed our eyes and kissed passionately. This kiss was different. Lacyus was drawing it out, slowly snaking his tongue into my mouth. I could honestly say that was the best kiss I ever had.
As we broke it, I nuzzled Lacyus, rubbing my muzzle against his affectionately. "Why don't you always kiss me like that?"
Lacyus closed his spine wings around me, locking me in his little 'cage'. "Because today is special."
"Why?" I asked giving him an amused look.
"Because, this day marks when ten years ago, you asked me if I loved you."
Those words drove straight through my heart. "Y-y-you mean it's our tenth anniversary?"
Lacyus nodded. "I love you Sunset."
"Oh my god! I completely forgot!!!"
Lacyus smiled. "It's okay. I understand."
I shook my head, trying not to cry. "You don't understand. You've done so much for me and I completely forget the day that I wanted to give to you. You've given me a home for ten years, fed me, given me a best friend and a lover, you found my parents again and never asked for thanks. I love you and I've never had the chance to give you anything. I was hoping to give you a perfect day today, just you and me."
"You don't get it Sunset." Lacyus chuckled, stroking my neck affectionately. "The love you've shown me has more than made up for it. You remember when we broke up after our fight over me being a Shadowdragon?" I nodded. "On that day, we both took each other's hearts and not only broke them, but shattered them into a million pieces. And then we gathered the pieces and carried them as we both began to miss each other's love. We tried to mend them in different ways. I tried when I dated Feydra. You tried when you were flirting with Kantos."
"That didn't help though."
"I know. Then, when I became Helios and talked to you, I finally realized that you were the only one that could put the shards back together. You're like me. You always make sure I am happy, safe and always know you love me. That is true love in my eyes."
My eyes were brimming with tears of happiness. "You mean it Lacyus!?!"
"Why would I lie to you on our tenth anniversary?"
Sunset was on the verge of crying. She laughed faintly and wiped the tears out of her eyes. "Dammit Lacyus.... You're making me cry!"
I simply kissed her, and we held each other as close as we could, never talking.
"Well, it's our day. What do you want to do?" I murmured to her.
"How about swimming?"
I snickered. "We do that all the time."
"Yeah, so? Com'on."
We walked down the dock, Sunset gently gripping my hand. When we got to the end, Sunset dipped her toes in and squeaked.
"How can it be so cold when it's so hot outside?" She mumbled to herself.
I smiled. "So now you don't want to swim?"
She returned the smile with a hint of mischief. "No, it just means you're gonna be a good mate and test the water for your girl."
She grabbed me and flung me into the lake. I came up sputtering and gasping for air. It was true that the lake was freezing. "Ohhhh, that's done it Sunset! You've just earned yourself a nice hour of swimming in this water."
Sunset squealed playfully and attempted to run off the dock, but I snagged her with two shadow tentacles on her ankles. She fell and grabbed the boards attempting to escape. "YAHHHHH! AN EVIL HELLDRAGON HAS MEEEEEE!!!" I kept pulling but not hard enough to damage the boards Sunset was holding onto. Finaly she gave up and flew into my arms. I caught her and she giggled as I wrapped my arms around her. She turned to face me and intertwined our tails. "You win." Sunset murmured tenderly. "I love you Lacyus."
I laugh came from the shore followed by a familiar Russian voice. "I see you enjoying company of other!"
We looked up to see Vash crouching on the dock in his human form. I smiled. "Hey Vash! Wanna join us?"
He shook his head. "No, I need clothes dry. I have date."
Sunset gave an evil smile. "With who?"
"I'm ready Vash." Sarah called from the porch of the cabin. She was wearing her usual loose t-shirt and tight jeans that showed off every curve in her rump.
*You should dress more like that Sunset.* I suggested. *Some tighter pants or a skirt.*
*But those are too skimpy for me. I look horrible in them!*
*No, you'll look really sexy.*
*No I won't, I'll look like a whore.* She shot back nervously.
*I'll be the judge of that.*
Vash took Sarah's hand. "We leave you two now. Happy tenth anniversary."
As they walked away, Sunset's spirits were quickly sinking. "See, he knew!"
"That's because I told him."
"But I should remember. You're the most important person in the world to me."
I kissed her on the tip of her muzzle. "You need stop worrying. Let's go do something to get your mind off of this."
I sat on my bed in the cabin, curled up into a lonely ball. I wanted to see mom and Echelon so badly. Thinking about them didn't help. I just wanted to be held by someone.
I sighed and resigned myself to fate. "Maybe life just has it out for me..." I mumbled to myself.
"Or maybe you didn't look and check if your mate used a point to point portal to warp in the closet."
My soldier's instincts kicked in and I spun 180 degrees onto my back. My right arm dissolved into liquid shadows, forming into a wickedly sharp straightblade. I pressed to the throat of another panther that was leaning over me. My heart immediately soared when I saw him.
I reformed my arm and hugged him tightly, kissing him passionately. Echelon sat me up and put me in his lap, gently scratching behind my ears, making me relax and purr. "So how's my favorite pantheress?"
"Mmmmm, good now that you're here. I could just go to sleep right now." Echelon found a really sensitive spot and was now scratching there intently, causing me to purr even more and groan.
"Yeah, but that would ruin our first date, now would it." Echelon sighed a bit. "I wasn't able to get a reservation to the restaurant I had in mind, but I got one at a casual fine dining place. That means that dress you bought for tonight is kinda going to waste."
"Oh well....." I mumbled, barely able to speak. "I can just put something else on and we could go... Mmmmm, behind the ear more......"
Echelon smiled and moved his hand up, scratching the really sensitive section of my ear.
I had just finished picking up some groceries for me and my roommate. The two of us had moved in at the same time and quickly became friends. His name was Samuel. For a human he was pretty good looking, well muscled and had brown hair and green eyes. There was something that inexplicably drew me to him. On the way to our apartment complex, I spotted Sam walking hand in hand with his girlfriend, Mary. That's when I spotted it. On his backpack, there was a small pendant dangling down the side. I recognized it at the universally recognized symbol for wyverns.
Wyverns were dragon Xenomorphs with their wings fused to their arms. The average wyvern had 2 fingers and one thumb. I was quite familiar with wyverns since my former mate, Skyve was one.
Like all other wyverns, he had very few element marks compared to other dragons. But was he lacked in dramatic markings, he more than made up in magic. He was a mind-wracker, meaning he manipulated his opponent's mind. He could induce a state of euphoria, then snap them to a nervous wreck, then to a hysterical fear. He could even make them think they were being chopped up by a killer.
It took me second of looking to recognize the pendant as the unique crest of Skyve.