Weird Writings

Me can write book and it get the out there 'p' word. meebe me write 2 fast. me need right slow and take time make sure it all correct good. me try write on key thingie in front of shiny screen but me word no come out good.

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Bound By Blood.txt

Just as the avian, the lizard-male made no audible words of complaint; audible being the operative word, as the only words that were spoken sounded to be obscenities murmured under his breath.

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The Last Breeze: Poem

Of those who matter, let their words once again be the words which walk the soul down the path of peace, know their words are what make the soul strong through the times of pain yet their own pain hidden to protect those they love forever their time fades

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The Tribe - 5

"okay, well, with magic, sometimes words can be the same way. you make up a word of your own, training yourself what to imagine what your intent is when you speak that word.

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A connection wired with words requires at least two. there is so much i want to relate to you. without an attentive ear it's just words words words. is the answer to 'how are you' truly heard? empty promises atop a meaningless platitude.


The lion felt himself unable to contain his words despite a subconscious wish to do so.

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Shiloniap Culture

words: shilonians listen to words a different way than you do. humana = morally acceptable. tweetie = sweetie. beaking = bird kisses.

Writing Tips

First off, use a decent word processor! writing in things like wordpad is fine, but you'll be much better off downloading something like open office.

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A Perfect Circle.

You try to speak out, but no words spoken. my wusky looks down blushing, stolen are his words. i lower my head, resting it against his own. yellow meeting blue, our eyes meet again. telling what words can not say.


Notes on Surksàasnian

Speech-telepathy mechanics modern surksàasnian involves two mediums: audible spoken words and telepathic imbuement of those words.

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What is it to Love?

words we hold for a specific few those words would be the words "i love you" now listen to me close, my dear yes, quiet now, lend me your ear i say these words quite often to you but they mean something more, it's true what is it to love?


Lost & Found

These streets, packed with more people, more species than i had ever seen in one place, roared with so many alien voices, sharing words, velikan words, wholly incompatible with my ears.

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