A fur at Freddy's: Christmas nightmare (coming soon)

You could also expect the characters: nightmare freddy and the freddles, nightmare bonnie(with a twist), nightmare chica(with a twist) and her nightmare cupcake, nightmare mangle, nightmare fredbear, nightmare and a super secrete surprise!

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Hunting shadows P:1

Quickly repositioning himself, onyx yelled and twisted the wheel to the right, narrowly avoiding being slammed into by one of the trucks.

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Episode Eight: MAAB

He flexed his claws and twisted to see meech on his right, just now descending to a skimming altitude. beyond his friend, the green wall that marked the edge of safe territory loomed.


(Chapter Two) The Fallen Find a Favorite

We hunt for the grim reaper. " the lions explained while sparkle's pretty, pouty lips twisted into an angry sneer. "jack..."she muttered grimly and looked away. roland twisted his head to one side curiously.

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One Day, They'll Throw Flowers

"hello, twist. how were today's lessons?" twist adjusted her glasses with a hoof. "awethome! mishth bon is the betht teacher ever!" "glad to hear it, as always. you keep practicing, alright?" twist nodded several times, before glancing at the sky.

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GoD-Ep18-Copy cat-

Winter indeed was right as another dungeon had appeared: the twisted manor the newer area behind the two story twisted cabin. "welp i think we figured out where he may be at..." winter had remarked as everyone else nodded in unison.

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Drako Tygon- chapter 6

Others were twisted beyond natural means. i left the bones for the carrion birds.

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Llijah Teng Cuu Biography

His mind is twisted and warped to the point it is nigh on impossible to predict how he will react to any given situation, but a safe assumption that it will likely end badly.


The Start of Something New: Chapter 2

After a moment of blinding shock, the both of them were thrown to the ground, and melissa could see the shadow's mangled, twisted body lying in the grass.

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A Bad Day

Shiron twist his fist into the gut of the blazedragon. "ooooouuuugh" roar greedo clenching his teeth. the white dragon continues to twist his fist, causing more pain at the poor greedo. the red dragon is crossed by spasms of pain.

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Under Cloak of Darkness

They twisted with mechanical grace and had a blue glow in the circles that lined them and the holes where they came out of his sockets. "what are you talking about?

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Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.

He knelt next to her body and grasped her foot, then he twisted it back into place slowly feeling for resistance in case there were any trapped nerves.

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