Genetic Children-Log 23 - Dreams come true too.

Three minutes later they were just outside the door that led to the x-rail system, and when they opened it, it was like a dream come true.

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Tales of the Stars Chapter 6: The true sowrd! Shiro's anger!

Emil heard the voice say "you, star of fire, you are the one who made me become the true sword." emil said "the true sword?"

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Chapter 2 True Sibling Love, A Series of Unexpected Events

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 8 ~The True Power of Zen and Sen

#8 of tower of ancients chapter 8: the true power of zen and sen inuko slowly awoken during the night as he sat up from his bed and walked out of the room quietly. he walked down the long hallways as he stood before the doorway to anubis' chambers.

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**Bottles** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare_ _First person monologue inspired by the attempted shooting of Dylan Thomas. Written as if it is part of a story in which every character gets a chapter in first person and the perspective changes,...

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The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within

#2 of the dragon in me this is a true tale of my dragon i hold within me. through the years i've endured many hardships. these are my stories i give to all who can understand the severity of possessing a beast within.

True love never rust: Part 2 - 14 years later

He knew it was true but truth can hurt as well as much as a lie can do. henrik reluctantly place his right arm over stan's shoulder and caressed him to support him.

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The Dragon in me: the true story of a boy and the dragon he held within

#1 of the dragon in me this is a true tale of my dragon i hold within me. through the years i've endured many hardships. these are my stories i give to all who can understand the severity of possessing a beast within.


The way it SHOULD have ended - caution, true story slightly edited

It's a true story using ferals.... a young vixen like creature walks down a wooded path, her blue eyes taking in little of the scenery around her. she walks slowly, as if in a daze, pain and heartache written all over her face.

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Be Careful What You Wish For As It Can Come True chapter one

Pre-story long ago when the building's of triangle origin where young the wishing dragon made wishes come true for those who deserved it the unlucky one's who made fun of the lucky one's where changed by there deed into a baby infant to be raised on new mommy

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Desolation Peak

**Desolation Peak** _Written by Arian Mabe / Amethyst Mare_ Jack Kerouac was suspended in space. There was sound - sound everywhere! - but no life or glimmer of being to be glimpsed. All was dark, all was black and all was sound. The red fox...

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Out Of Time - Book 1: The Witch - Chapter 4: Betrayals True Name

Kaodina growled as she backed away from the television screen and fought to get back on her feet. She looked at the man she called father talking to someone off screen. The sound on their end clearly muted. She took this chance to look around. Now...

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