One and the Same - Chapter 2: Sleeping While Awake

The morning light was harsh and proceeded stabbing me with thousands of needles, but the stings quickly vanished with repeated blinks. it was morning...

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The Blood Mile

My skin sting with every blow and the pain grew sharper with each strike. it wasn't long before my back had been beaten to a bloody pulp. droplets of blood were crawling down my sides and dropping off as i ran.

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Rebirth ch11

(author: ever felt the sting of a tazer? ya, something like that) the sting quickly spread from the tips of my fingers to the rest of my body and with it, the blinding light of evolution engulfed my whole body.

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Contact - Part 4

Letting the water cool him down this time, focused on the stings they caused on the scratches and wounds on him. his whiskers twitched as another presence swayed by him. the scent of autumn breeze and oak wafted to his nose.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 2

._ she felt the burning hot sting of tears in her eyes and angrily wiped her arm across her face before they could escape. before she met him, it would have been easy for her to simply turn around and walk away. but he wouldn't let her.

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Boomeranged In China

Now, i got the paramedics and they'll help you with your wasp stings." two orange wolves go over to patricia and zoe and start helping them with their stings.

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Defenses of an Angel

Screams of horror fill my ears, drops of something fall on my cheeks, stinging my skin. i lifted my paw to my cheek, curious. another hand falls on my paw. "don't." he whiped the liquid away and kissed my cheek.

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I hear it the pain of my soul cries for it. battered on the cliff side, broken and left by all the knives bleed it of the life blood that it has worked so hard to hold close. love. the hatred grows. the seeds have been sown, the vines sting... like venom they


Speech 2. Inside The Life Of Fear.

These wars are history, and from history we know people have never come to an understanding, and peace was never made, it was all a big act, a show played on a stage by nothing but heartless puppets that were controled by the stings of fear.

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I wither besides the lush flower bed

Here we go~, let's see what you think, please enjoy i wither beside the lush flower bed i am full of life and yet i stand as bones where i can sip the dew drops i find myself unquenchable touched by falling petals, my skin stings with pricklers ping

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I can still taste the sting of the scotch, i imagine the smoky amber on my tongue, i want to vomit, i can't. i'm not even drunk, i haven't been, haven't had a drink in over a decade, wait was that contradictory? what is this?


Tales of Old-The Fall of Surtur

The moment surtur felt the sting of the spear his sword flew from his grip flying deep into the frozen wastes while he laid there in the cold snow feeling the life fade from him. "this is not over odin....i will return..."

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