Dog's Life

The bottoms of his feet began feeling hyper sensitive, and frantically, he lifted them up to see the soles darken in a familiar pattern. transfixed, he ran his fingers over them, and shivered at the texture.

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Edge Walking. Chap 8: Abyss Embrace

By this point, the sole method to dispel the usurping oil (before hitting the eternal bloodstream) was surrender.

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The Caligo (part two)

He was never one to complain about his duty, but he had not been looking forward to having the caligo's sole attention, especially when it was enraged.

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Army of Cuteness Part 6

One device was placed on each palm and one on the sole of each of my footpaws. a large one was belted around my waist that went from my chest down to just above my crotch.


The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 9

Invisible letters understood always solely by members of the canine race, yet now, surprisingly, he could read the howl. understood its blaming tone, directed solely at him. it's your fault!

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Sharannah and Pyro

Pyro exclaimed, tickling her soles but also in between her talons. "yahahahaha!" sharannah laughed, kicking her back paws. pyro laughed and continued to tickle her back paws mercilessly. "ahahahaha stop!" sharannah laughed.

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The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 1, Part 1

It was five in the afternoon that saturday when larry got in the car with his friend harvey, who went by the nickname of sampson solely because of his long, golden locks of curly blond hair. he was still wearing his soccer jersey.

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Teaser: The Painted and the Plain

He was the same colour all over, except for the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet. he was not beautiful like the painted people, but he was pep's best friend.

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Presto - Chapter 14

Arden pushed himself away from his desk, rubbing his cramped paw, and wandered over to the sad, under-counter refrigerator that passed for his sole 'major' appliance. taking out a bottle of water, he drank deep, too lost in thought to even cry anymore.

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Wisper Dabble - Night Shift

The bear swung his chair around slowly, lifted his foot, grabbed the hare's face with his soles, dragged him back into the gap, then shoved some toes into his mouth. "ggrmgph! ffrmfmrph! nrrrufrrffff!!!" screamed the muffled furball.

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Cafe (SFW)

A sole dry feather drifted past the window, a single representation of solitude drawing his attention back to the raccoon whose eyelids were drooping, the warmth of the cafe beverage and hypnotising rhythm of rain causing his drowsiness.

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To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -

#1 of to court the fèidh order of the hart - prequel - is a brief introduction to the order, a group of borderline xenophobic religeous offshoots, whose sole purpose is to rid humanity of the threat of the therian and the were's.

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