Invane: Snicker's Ice
I happened to know the inhabitants of the two realms. since of course they are famous in their respective realms for what they are doing of course.
The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Four
It may take a while, so you need to head to a realm that will give you something to help you pick up heavy things... can you think of a place like that?"
Good Times, Now Gone?
'towards the inter-realm airport.' the inter-realm airport was much like an airport today, save for that instead of travelling in planes, dragons just flew themselves.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 8 - Back in Dark Hollow
"hey, did you know that they have realms where time goes backwards?" flame gave a deep sigh, feeling his annoyance spike. "spyro..." "it's true!" spyro went on. "like magical time-paradox realms.
Spyro: Dragon of Destiny: Rising Destiny
The portal distorts for a brief second before it opens wide to allow its passengers to crossover from the dragon realms into the shadow realm.
The Wolf's Image Journey Through the Dream Portal
A new journey has begun, but will they be able to beat antasma in a realm that relies on joy to survive? find out in the next story...
S1 C1 E2 "You And Me"
We have yet to find a way into this realm."_
Aaru - Chapter 31 (Farewell)
Looking at this sky i knew for certain i was indeed back in the mortal realm. the moon, while bright and beautiful, seemed much smaller than it did in aaru.
Realms Of Fantasy Chapter 12: Like A Polar Bear In The Desert
The guards in realms were actually gm's(short for game masters) who worked for other world games. as real a world as it feels, realms is still a game, and games have bugs.
Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 1 - Autumn Plains
The story follows flame who grew up with spyro in the dragon realms. the two used to be very close before spyro just up and left on a quest to some faraway realm, leaving poor flame behind.
Open House Day One Part Two
Chapter twelve: the order of the realms a bit of background on ennica!
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 3
I looked off the edge, the tower seemed to have no bottom, but i could see the entire realm of hell. this tower......was an amazing building to say the least, a structure this tall would surely never stand in the mortal realm.