Nightmare In The Lunar Republic Chapter 1

V=hcpzimhibfy edited by jomintine **nightmare** **in the lunar republic** **by admiral q** nightmare moon strutted through the old ruins.


Splintered Light, Ch 0: Prelude

Here is the question: q: what does "rohn" mean in the tribal language? hint: you can find a contextual use of it the lead crown story-- specifically in one of the five parts of ch 2a.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 55

"q... quite so! ov... overwhelming a ta... tad..." servine replied as well, her voice sounding squeaky as the two smiled from ear to ear as well. "any day can make you feel like this when you've made a new friend."

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 51

q... quit already..." he responded. hearing servine making noises as well, chris and gerald faced her, blinking confused causing servine to stop and face down embarrassed, slightly saddened as well until gardevoir faced her and tilt her head.

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Isolation-Excerpt 32-Area 7

I inspected the tank, near a content and pressure chart, was a small key pad with a-q and 1-7. one of the stranger things i had seen these past few weeks. "i found it", i said, "what next?"

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 5

It was amusing watching Velvet get ready for Shining and Cadance's arrival today. She was running all over the kitchen. Night Light tried to calm her down but leave it to Twilight to screw that up by stating they only had fourteen minutes left. Nyx...


Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 3

Selene was taking another break from her research. She had to before she blew something up. She was in the complete dark to what Twilight was researching when the accident happened. She's been focusing on any book that had info on teleportation. Maybe...

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Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 2

Selene teleported in a grove a trees and began walking onto the road to Ponyville. While she did so she thought of what she read. She only manage to read a couple of newspaper articles on that little Nightmare Moon. From what she got was that for a...


Death To Nightmare Chapter 11

She hurt all over but she was alive so that was a plus. With a groan she opened her eyes to see clear signs of a familiar room. "Selene?" She heard twilight ask and she looked over to she a look of concern and hope on the young alicorn's face. She...


Death To Nightmare Chapter 10

Days later Nightmare Moon was in a room laying down on a cushion looking at Luna. Luna was trying to read a book on a cushion that was brought in. A plate with food was next to Luna. Luna had nibbled on the food after Nightmare brought it in. She had...

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Death To Nightmare Chapter 9

**Celestia was heading to her room after a dinner with her sister. It was a somber affair. 'Selene has been missing for days and we all fear the worse.' Luna herself was going out to fine her fellow alicorn of the night with a pair of her bat ponies....


Death To Nightmare Chapter 7

**Selene groaned and her head felt like it was used as a marching band's practice field. She tried casting that ease ache spell but got no response.** **"Crap, what hit me?"** **"A combo of tranquilizer and sleep spells." A female voice replied...
