Sight of the heart Part VII
The man doesn't back down and pulls a pokeball from his belt and throws it. "go! hitmonchan!"
Can't Escape, Epilogue: Likes to Relax
Fiona arched an eyebrow, left her seat at the breakfast table, and walked across the living room to find vincent's pokeball belt.
A Hope Shattered to Pieces (Chapter Three)
Lucky started bringing everyone to their pokeballs, one by one. first bubba, then skeln, then ches. fara was the last one left outside of her pokeball. "you told me you hated them, so i won't make you sit in them,"lucky said, to fara's surprise.
Pokemon D/P Off to Oreburgh
I see martha pull out a pokeball as i yell for chimchar to get into the field. "let's go, aria!" i hear martha yell. "aria?" i say pulling out my pokedex. "ariados, the long leg pokemon.
Shadow of Beginnings
As she spoke she drew a pokeball from her bag. shadow saw the ball. he knew what it meant. at least, he thought he knew. it meant imprisonment to him. torture worse than he'd inflicted on himself.
Opal's Story - Chapter 4
There was a flash of pink and feren vanished, called back to todd's pokeball. for a moment i wondered what the inside of the nidorino's pokeball would look like.
Chapter 2: Reflections Before the Journey
Toby and nicole trudged though the forest for quite some time, before charmeleon's suffering which was constantly interrupting their search caused nicole to want to ride in the pokeball with him.
Pokemon: Returning Champion: Prologue
I threw all six pokeballs into the air and the customary beam of light emerged, engulfing my team and retracting into their pokeballs. "i heard that johto had a bit of lax policy about pokemon outside of their balls.
Abandoned Chapter 1
I pulled aside the branches and saw it was a pokeball! i pulled it out and looked it up and down. it was scratched and beat up as if it had been thrown with some force. i stood up and turned away from the trees and clicked the button.
Dark Energy
It was a pokeball! was his dream about to finally come true? sure enough, the pokeball opened, and the umbreon felt his body dissolve into energy, disappearing into the ball as it clicked shut.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 7
Calem took my pokeball from his belt and called me back. i felt again how i was transformed into energy and sucked into the ball. i blinked a bit and sat up. i felt already better as before.
lucarios story, ch2
The summit. then another. then i pulled myself up. i looked around and saw that the stream was coming from a small oasis of vegetation hidden by the summit. i was tired as all hell but every second counts so i ran forward. i dropped my pack and took the pokeball