Beyond Words~ Chapter 1 Kiffin's Rebirth

She did as told and untied the pink ribbon from the box and took the lid off, inside was a light pink cloth. once she pulled it from the box, it was revealed to be a nightie, in her size.

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The Deal

He sighed and picked up the next item, a matching pink undershirt that he pulled on like an ordinary t-shirt. he had subconsciously turned toward the mirror.

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Chapter 2- The Reveal

They're both pink, but a special kind: pink fireworks. his heart grows heavy with passion. his tail wags back and forth. as the warmth of the kiss hits them, something tickles kayden's ears. he's felt that sensation before.

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Dentia's Digits

They were at eye level from his position, she wiggled her rounded pink toes, tapping the tip of his muzzle with her blunted claws, her smooth, warm pink soles crinkling as she did. "you can start with lefty." caudle was bright red.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 04

The pink power fur ranger said as she drew back on the bow and an arrow made of pink energy appeared in the arrow rest part of the bow. the others looked at her and shrugged at the wasted pun opportunity "time to dry up this drip."

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A Very Vinomath Christmas (Various TF/TGs)

Amelia's brown fur brightened up as it became a hot pink. her very large ears shrunk down vastly but retained their shape. the bun it was tied up in turned a near identical pink as the fur and fell down freely.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 24: Yun vs. Cross Wing!

The pink crystals hurled them selves at yun with some speed, but they were still slow enough for yun to dodge. just then, a giant pink crystal emerged from the ground and spired upward.

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Fox Tales Chapter 3: Dinner Date

His daughter looked like she had been dipped in pink. she was wearing pink overalls, a hello kitty shirt covered in glitter and bejeweled in plastic gems. her feet were enclosed in pink shoes and socks that sported fluffy lace. "good god, a lot of pink.


The Gem [Collab]

Next, the dragon's vision turned pink as the onesie was pulled over his head, which the floating hands took as a great distraction to simultaneously buckle the mittens on his hands.

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Twitchy Gets Lost: A Baby Blue short / Lost tribute

#6 of pink and blue twitchy gets lost: a baby blue short / lost tribute kitncub [[email protected]](%5c) 6 february 2010 this one's yiff-free and with very little fetish content, sorry, just a quickie filler puff/character piece in the pink

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Story Snippet - Welcoming Waltman

I think she's got her ladies limited to grey, green, and some...very..screaming color of pink. you got something to match?" dr. breyer asked. "yes, i have some from my ob rotation. 'hot blush pink' i believe the color is.

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FnaJ 3 (part 3)

I turned around and flicked on my flashlight, three small pink snakes twitched and hissed than jumped off the bed, one-by-one... i turned back around. i heard footsteps coming from the right.

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