Dearest Sorrow

The arrow strikes lady yue in the heart, inciting a riot within the palace walls. he looked into lady yue's gentle green eyes as she smiled one last time and slipped away in his arms.

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Luna's Holiday (1300 words)

Princess luna goes to the sea side for the day because palace life had become especially tedious. - my story victoria kitty revolved on a fairly serious and grim theme of poverty, so i fancied a nice silly one to re-set my brain.

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The Eternal Emperor

The emperor stood on his tower balcony in his imperial palace, and gazed out over the lamplit streets of the second world's capital.

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Embertooth - Chapter 10: Convictions

And then, they would have to go back to their palace surviving the journey, maybe to find that sophia had been lying all along and there was no way to wake zèon up.

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The Outlander 3 34

Every time he closed his eyes, he saw a mental picture of his new palace engulfed in flame with the mouse in armour standing over him, sword drawn. why is this apparition haunting me, he thought to himself.

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Bound Ch.7: In the Ruins of All This Mess

It happened while the council was in session at the palace, with my mother no less. and the mage brought with the assailants left a calling card: a massive jet of flame over the palace in the shape of a phoenix.

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Anon Chapter ONE

I did not know this palace was currently in residence to a anyone!" anon tilted her head, giving him a look of confusion. "im so sorry, it's just that in the current condition of the palace it doesn't look like how we build our houses in equestria!!"

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Chapter 2 - Someone to Watch Over Me

#2 of valkyrie - pegasus - book 3 - the light of the end location: alexandria â€" athenus palace "we have a duty to remember those that have given their lives in a great sacrifice to protect our galaxy, our peace and our way of life."

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This tall, stately bat with eyes of flaming gold seems to hold half the palace in his thrall, while the other half hate and fear him.

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The Tail End - Kreet 68

That made kreet laugh, and suddenly - though the palace was still a place of opulence, beauty and impressiveness to a small kobold - the place became less intimidating.

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Ghost Bio

The peace lasts barely twenty years before the revolutionary army storms the palace, killing the royal family.

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