We've watched a bunch of their movies. there's so many of them. it's like they make a movie every day. they've been around for so long. plus, elijah and i always fall asleep during each movie. it's like it puts us in an odd trance.
Espresso--Fourth Installment
"what movie?" "well, i was thinking about this one. it's supposed to be a horror movie, but everything about it is like, ridiculous and over the top.
Immortal - Chapter 1
-"we organized something for you two: you'll watch a movie at the cinema." she declared, laughing almost sadistically. "it's a romantic movie just for the both of you." -"b-but she was only a co-worker!
Lord of arms- Chapter 17
I normally wouldn't have watched movies like that if i had the choice, but this was really good." will mused as the duo stepped out of the bus, after the movie has finished.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 18- Distance
"m-maybe a movie?" he suggested. damn it coon! that was a classic date activity! nate nodded. "maybe get a bite to eat afterwards? depending on how long the movie is anyways. what movie by the way?" a bite to eat?
My New Friend
- -yes its a good movie lets watch it- we watched the movie very silently and very calmed. in the middle of the movie i approached to his chest very slowly and when he looks me he only smiles me. i could heard the heartbeats from inside.
From Un-caring to passionate
"well we dont have to worry about that right now just pick a movie" he said with a wry smile. "ok". she picks a movie called "the angry, the sad, and the left behind."
The Rise of Serpens: Reptile at Heart Zoo
Serpens greatly enjoyed the movie himself. it was his creation after all. media was so useful. he'd have to use one of those movie theatres sometime. jessica was already a reptile in mind.
I've seen the opening credits to movies a hundred times and never gave them a second thought. only this time, as i'm watching, all i can think is, _i was there. i worked with these people to help make this movie.
My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 7
"so, what movie are we going to watch?" shun-kun asked. "a really bad movie, shun-kun. you'll find it laughable than being an action flick." hiro replied. "so, the sword you got is from that movie? not an actual artifact?" kouya said.
Born This Way: Chapter 14 Part 2
"c'mon, shall.. we're going to have a movie night, okay? just us, you're going to tell me what your favorite movie is and we're going to watch it. and then we'll watch one of mine."
With The Best Friend Part 2
"luckily i picked some good movies that everyone here likes" tj said proudly, showing a sci-fi movie cover with blank evil angels in it.