Chapter Five - Clans

The rest are soldiers and minions, fulfilling any and all menial roles passed-down to them. ranking is firstly based on age, and then on ability and battle prowess. **t** here's also a separate ranking system for mages, based on skill.

Mystery Savior Ch. 6

He looked at his minions and snarled, "that's it, enough of this! enyo, leo, fenris, hold him down." i knew that i had no chance against all three of them. i looked over at rendall for the first time since i saw him being beat up.

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Interlude 11

So, the sorceress glanced to the side, the loyal minion beside her having asked the main question himself and... she grinned. "bring me the grand knight. and do so with haste and caution." a paradoxical order for a paradoxical entity.


The End (Kreet 31)

But it's minions already had their orders and it didn't have the presence of mind to redirect them. she saw mekelson begin to run towards it, but the thing twitched a tendril and the knight froze. suddenly she knew what she had to do.

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New Home (Kreet 4)

*edited by kazerad and minions the morning was bright to her eyes, but not intolerable. ka'plo said the sun was behind the clouds, and so she was spared the blinding, direct sunlight.

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Fallen Angel Part 4

"my minions, go from which you came," said obsuritas. after a following blanket of smoke, all that stood across from fallen angel was obsuritas. "now you try," said obsuritas.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 12

The winged ape ordered as he shouted to his minions. they ran forward and grabbed tom as he remained stunned trying to remember what happened. "let me go, creeps!"

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 18

He later quit to begin his empire with his brother but when the power fur rangers killed his brother he had his minion, gollip, imprison his brother's soul.

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Power Fur Rangers- Episode 23

I've infused your skull so that you have the power to make my minions grow when i command it. the catch is that whenever they suffer damage from enemy attacks you will feel it but no one will ever be able to hear you scream.

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Hybrid: CH 2: Honor Bound

Your lineage won't matter to the minions of the scarred one." "what's his name?" lilith hastily asked as she prepared to bolt away, she didn't know why but she felt that she could trust this young and mysterious assassin. "drauth."

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John Hammond: Revenge Of Darkness

"yes my minions, seize this foul place and release all the dinosaurs haw haw haw!!!!!!!!!" said john hammond, still inside his coffin. "but why do you want to do that, isn't this your dream!?"

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And if a miniature red tyrant and his minions appeared and threatened to rule avalar and it's inhabitants with an iron fist, well, all moneybags had to do was simply wait for a small purple dragon to be summoned, eager to overthrow this self-proclaimed king

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