Mystery Savior Ch. 6
#7 of Mystery Savior
I made sure to take my time getting dressed into my normal clothes in the locker room. I wanted as much time as possible to think about how I was going to thank Rendall for saving my butt twice. Even though saving me from the ball that was about to hit my black eye isn't nearly as heroic as him getting all three of those punks off of me, it still would have hurt like hell. The problem is that I couldn't think of anything that I would be able to offer him. I don't know him that well, so I have no idea what he would even want. The only thing that I can think to do is ask if there was anything that I could do to repay him.
When I left the locker room, school had been over for almost half an hour. The parking lot only had the cars of teachers and members of school clubs. I expected it to be fairly quiet, so when I heard yelps of pain, I immediately became curious. Knowing that it might get me in trouble, I cautiously followed the noise. It was coming from a cluster of trucks that were still here. I could soon hear voices, and what I heard did not sound good.
"Come on, fag lover! Fight like a man!" The voice sent a cold chill down my spine. It was Loki. Fighting every instinct within me, I moved a bit closer to see who he was beating up this time. Who I saw sent my blood to a boiling point. Loki, Fenris, Enyo, and some lion were beating up Rendall!
'This is my fault!' My mind screamed at me. 'If I hadn't needed saving, then this wouldn't be happening to him!' With the realizations of the repercussions that I have caused, I knew that I had to be the one to stop this. I tucked my tail into my pants, so they wouldn't be able to grab it like they did last time.
I got out from behind my hiding spot and yelled, "Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I mentally slapped myself for the stupid cliché that didn't even make sense. I was nowhere near as athletic as Rendall.
Enyo, Fenris, and the new guy both looked at me stupidly, as if they have never actually been challenged before. Then they gave me menacing grins. Loki turned around at that point with a smile that could have curdled milk. He threw Rendall a look over his should and jeered, "How sweet. Your butt buddy has come to save you."
It was then that I realized that these people fed off of seeing people in pain and misery. The best thing to antagonize him would be to turn off every single tell-tale sign of emotion possible. I centered myself, allowing my shoulders to relax. "Yes, that makes even more sense," I goaded. "Beat someone up who's even smaller then your original target. You're soooo manly." If I could get them to fight me one at a time, then I'll have a better chance of surviving this.
Luckily, he was stupid enough to take the bait. "Please! I could beat your little scrawny butt without the help of them."
"So that's why you ambushed me with two other guys to hold me down," I said. I know from our gym class that the madder he is, the sloppier he becomes. If I get him mad enough, his judgment will be clouded.
"Enyo, Fenris, Leo, stay back," he growled. "This punk is mine." He then charged straight at me. He was within a few inches of me in a nanosecond. I dodged out of the way just in time. He turned around and tried to kick me from behind, but my ears heard him coming, so I jumped out of the way. He threw a punch at the uninjured eye. I moved my head to the left a few inches to easily avoid it. He tried kicking me in the crotch, but I stepped back a few inches to avoid that too.
Pretty soon, the fight felt almost exactly the same as dodge ball. Every punch or kick thrown was just another ball for me to avoid. I refuse to cause violence if I didn't have to, so I just decided to continue avoiding him until he was worn out. I could already tell that he was a bit out of breath when he barked, "Stay still, you pansy!"
"But if I do that, then you might actually hit me," I said calmly. The stupid simplicity of that statement made him pause in confusion. I don't even know where the hell that came from. He tried to throw a punch at my rib cage, but I dodged it. In the split second, I made a decision. While he was still in mid-punch, I grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction that his arm was already going. Completely caught off guard, Loki stumbled a few feet forward and fell on his face.
While he was getting up, I noticed that his cronies were on the side, torn between helping him and following orders. Off the top of my head, I said, "You have your friends so well trained. Tell me, how many bj's did you have to give them to get them to do whatever you say?"
After that comment, I realized that I had no control over my mouth. Saying something like that sounded like a death wish, and I've never come up with something that witty before. I could tell that Loki had reached a boiling point. I had sent him over the edge. He bent his head down; I could tell that he was planning to ram me in my stomach with his head. When he was half a foot away from me, I put my hands on his shoulders and jumped over him. Apparently, this was also unexpected for him, because the force that I used was enough to push him to the ground.
When he got up, I noticed two things. One was that his nose was bloody. It had probably been broken by the impact of the cement. The other thing was that there was a look of murder in his eyes. He looked at his minions and snarled, "That's it, enough of this! Enyo, Leo, Fenris, hold him down."
I knew that I had no chance against all three of them. I looked over at Rendall for the first time since I saw him being beat up. He was back on his feet. Other then the complete look of surprise on his face, he looked really banged up. We both looked at each other and knew what we had to do. We were both to banged up to beat all four of them, so we ran.