Latex Lore Chapter 1: The Inflation Begins

I looked out of his stomach at a small vial of liquid that he was holding in front of his torso. by now, the white latex goo had started to numb up my legs and start to turn them into liquid latex.

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Ileum collision - Infidelity and Chicanery: Fungal ambrosia and the hero's journey

The dragon, the wretched creature was liquid. it twisted around her strike, its numerous tentacles grabbing her torso, picking her up into the heavens and casting her down.

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Latex Lore Chapter 3: The Pop-Marked Man

When it reached her backside, her tail started to be filled with the amazing liquid.

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Clown Mare 6-1

Once he opened it he poured some of it in his coffee with that white thick liquid from the marshmallow that he was saving for this one moment. "i loved marshmallows as a kid. it was a dream that was more than chocolate.

Industrial Zone Series 3 Episode 1 - Final

She splashed into the vat feet first, and nearly lost her balance as she sank into the thick liquid.

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The Life of a Brood Mother Ch. 2

She also realized what the hair-like things were for, they stopped the liquid on the higher level from trickling down to the lower part.

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L H A { 1 - 3 }

The liquid had started to lose its green color some time ago and had started to turn more of a black color. the temperature in my tube was almost freezing cold.

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The Nightmare that Isn't

She thought to herself, struggling with the liquid that bound her body during the flight. no matter how hard she thought, how hard she pushed, not one part of her body responded.

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My Kitty Chapter 9

She handed me the cup half-full with clear liquid. i took a small sip. "wow! how could something that looks like water taste so horrible!" "it helps if you chug it as fast as you can." i downed the liquid in 2 seconds. "good job."

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Journey to another world ch11

Then my eyes adjusted to the little light a little more and i realized that the liquid that i felt had a sort of reddish tint to it. wait a minute if it was a liquid and it had a red color to it could only be one thing. blood.

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Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 5 - The Grand Finale

A black liquid leaked from her hand, forming a huge dark flaming sword. "let's do this." fang and miss b confronted each other. each swing cut the winds and sent burst of energy outwards.

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Scales and Scavs chapter 11, Rescue Operation

He backed away from the sheet as the dracosith lifted their liquid nitrogen guns and barked, "fire!" four streams of liquid nitrogen sprayed over the sheet before james raised a hand and stepped forward.

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