Day 01- Head of Household
"thanks guys. this is awesome!!" brandon hugs everyone around him, knowing in the back of his mind that he's going to make people upset in the long run. \*\*\* the mailbox light goes off again. "hey guys!" brandon says, "mailbox!"
Dusk's Adventure day 4
Raiden: hi guys~ what's going on? asha: hey dad~ dusk: hi raiden raiden: you guys sure had a growth spurt while i was gone~ \*he rubs asha's belly\* asha: !
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 16: Homosexual Poultry
_andy horny kitty: "hey where r u guys? me n octo r rusting here_ _????__"_ _octo bad kitty: "ignore andy, he's not even here yet.
Digi Kimi Chapter 7: Saving a friends life
Asked becky 'hi guys, i'm here to do some shopping, i got a date tonight, see you guys later,' said ty 'should we help him?' asked jasmine 'nah, what do you think jenny?'
Furry Fan Interviews #11 - SILVER interviews FOXY from FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY'S
See you guys in 2015! (later, backstage...) fiesta: so, foxy, what kind of maritime things do you do?
The Zootopian Experiment. Chapter 3
Doctor langu answered, "i am sorry, this is for the wolf staying across from you guys. i assumed because of your dna, you guys were prey, not predators.
Jumping Mouse, Part 3
The undercover guys telling the tale were laughing about the 'crazy talk' from the bad guys.
Bar Jocks: Story One, Part Two
"they're usually weekend guys," mike explained. joe nodded. george eyed joe's frame. "wrestler?" he asked. "no," joe said. "powerlifter." the two nodded.
Behind Those Red Eyes Ch.4
"i did what i did because... of what you, the guys and master said to me earlier. i mean you guys pretty much rejected me." i confessed not even looking at him. "what? vixen we didn't reject you.
Toni's Diary Entry #8 - Fight Night
Apparently, one of the guys is dragging the other across the floor, and the sea of students are parting ways for them like the red sea did for moses. this is the first time that i'm really getting a good look at either of the guys.
Week 1 - HOH
Which meant that the guys were in danger and in desperate need of this first hoh.
Childhood Friends
"of _course_ i was surprised," zara laughed, "from the way you guys were messaging me, it sounded like you guys wouldn't be here for a _while_." "that was the _idea~_" elena sang, waving her fork at the dark type.