Zero Point: Second Arc 1
General george pepper was one of peppy's closest friends and well-liked by his command. he may have been running a desk rather than a dreadnaught these days, but he was a dedicated soldier.
: CH 4 : Where things went wrong
Turning from her desk and making her way out, through the main lobby of precinct 1 she'd smile sleepily to george, a boar and fellow officer who tended to work the night shift at the front desk." goodnight george! i'll see ya later."
The Outlander 2 22
They recognized the voice of george stag hare, who was huffing and puffing trying to keep up. the hares saluted smartly as george doubled over trying to catch his breath. "oh, at ease chaps! i've been trying to catch you bods before you left.
Introduction to The Goddess Files
St george's horse.
Tale of meeting of two roses
With one rose named linda, one finds much heart there with rose george-anne, instead you find art. both are pleasant company and do we find fuse; if only a secret that stands to amuse.
The Rise of the Wereplushies
george grinned and took a healthy drink of coffee. stretching, brandon yawned. "dang... nearly feezing to death is tiring..."
Starlight Part 4
george looks to the skunk "he knows his way around...", he looks to the mystic "what kind of mechanical experience do you have?"
Paraskepite- Chapter Seventeen
Joseph spent the time texting to george and trying to arrange a time to meet with the city council. george had to do some fanagalling but he managed to arrange a time to meet. the problem that joseph pondered was the way lee ann was dressed.
GoD-Ep32-Confronting the Source-
george and demeitrus had looked down at him and almost like a robot had raised their dominant hands charging with magic to eliminate him but they were stopped. "dad!" "roman!"
george and the others had then looked at how big and vast the dream world was and the long road ahead of them to save this world and the real world.
GoD-Ep29-The End-
After george and demetrius did their best to hype up the team over the task ahead they walked inside the castle of nightmares yet again to try to put a stop to everything.
If it was george and demetrius being put in a bind and them using their powers in unison, and with levi and jake being the more physically stronger of the group using their actual strength and powers in unison to take down shadows.