Raspberry Line Chapter 2 - Cimmanon Roll

It was the same as any other cafeteria: smells of cinnamon rolls, chocolate milk, and every now and then a whiff from the unnecessarily large custodial garbage can. its four walls were covered in nothing less than the color of green boogers.

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Laughing All the Way to the...

Ray decides to stay at the warehouse for a bit longer. \* the next morning the news reports that the truck used as a getaway vehicle was found trashed and vandalized. no paw prints or any identification was found.

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Grandpa's Request - Writing Prompt from Manchesterite

"more garbage jo-jo, but i'm glad i could stop this one too before you got in too deep again. what were you thinking? any marketing monkey could tell you the market was saturated 16 months ago."

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Mini Mice Meals

She couldn't just throw him in the trash. what if he went to the dump and was hurt? could she just throw him outside? he followed her all the way here somehow.

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A journey through the darkness and the light, a step beyond the worlds we know and into the worlds we imagine the true tale of Jake Wolf

I yawned and stretched then finished my hot chocolate and tossed the cup in the trash. zero looked up as he heard my cup hi to the trash and said "time to go?"

The Moon Over Fairfield Connectituct

It was that feeling i'd get when some white trash would be staring at me as if i had been doing something wrong like they had the place to do such a thing i was the one they should look up to not look down upon. damn white trash!

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When The Wolfsbane Blooms

Something or some creature had knocked over the trash cans. she picked up a knife and walked outside towards the trash cans. she screamed, "a werewolf was near the trash cans." the werewolf heard her screams.

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Curse your sensitive nose, i was pretty heartbroken when you told me i smelled like garbage and rotten garbage eggs in garbage." "yeah, sorry about that.

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The Half Pin, Chapter 1: The Melody

And it wasn't the first to get tossed right in the trash bin. "geeze, moshi, how many times are you gonna make me dumpster-dive in one day?"

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Music review - I swear I saw your mouth move by I've made too much pasta

The lyrics go on to say how great life in a trash can be, the lyricist loving everything about it, eating whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

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My Boyfriend is a Werewolf: Chapter 21

The garbage man stepped out of the truck, which the insane wolf looked at him terrified. "help me! they are trying to mug me!" he shouted. the boys looked confused before the garbage man tried ripping one of them off. "get off him!"

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Ebony Dreams (WIP)

Zsukaza casually walks across the street watching as the husky run and crashes into an empty trash can. shi giggles a little and continues walking passing the "canned" husky who groans.

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