Chapter 9: Twist Mountain

I shouted at the grunt, with the ferocity of a lion that made heji tremble in his ball in awe. why the hell did this whole damn organisation have such skewed views?

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The Cat's Stroll 18

These stared straight at kyu cao with an indomitable will and bone-chilling ferocity, as well as some intelligence.

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Chapter 3: The Undelivered Message

Both were fighting with such ferocity that it attracted the attention of the other dragons. yet, when they offered their help, xiciro exclaimed, "no! you don't know what he's capable of!"

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 5

Although ander was physically big enough to stand up to banno, he didn't have any of his older brother's viciousness or ferocity. in a one on one fight, there's no way banno would have lost. but ander was clever.

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The Outlander 2 13

The faceplate of the helmet closed and fastened adding to the ferocity of his appearance. at first they all backed off not knowing who he was or what the stranger would do next.

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Sly as a...

The area grew colder and colder as dragon and man fought with a ferocity that only existed when two beasts fought.

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Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 6 - The In-Betweener

Derrick grabbed marks right arm and pulled him closer with a ferocity that mark hadn't felt before. he just wanted to get away and hide or something. he wished he had his wings like in the church or when than is around.

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Shadow's Hunt, part seven

Even though they were evenly matched in skill, jen found that her foe fought with a ferocity she herself did not possess, or if she did, it was so deeply buried that she knew not of its existence.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 73

The corners began to curl from the ferocity of the wind. he beckoned emeral to sit on it quickly, before it went away on a magic carpet ride without them. she complied, sitting with her legs straight out.

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Ch. 12: The Evergloom Woods

These qualities, combined with his ferocity, allowed him to operate outside of the outpost with ease and into places few were willing to go.

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Howling Hunter - Lunagaron TF

It glared at him with such intensity and ferocity, it drove a shiver down his spine. "ohhh crap!" he braced himself as the beast began to deliver a flurry of attacks, sending waves of energy his way.

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Michael said the word with such ferocity that joabin jumped. in response, she left the room. she came back holding a snow globe in her paw. she set it on the table.

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