"uh huh. 2021-22, eliza mae, saphira, tia, erik. you said that was the year." "well it _was_ the year! you thought it for a while, too." "sure, but i didn't say it into a mic during the first week of regular season."
Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire
3,516,500,430,000,000 (3.516 quadrillion) citizenship rate: 42% human: - 33% haromian - 18% knephian anthropomorphic: - 13% evoradi - 12% vervortian - 10% remnoran - 8% astain alien: - 6% nublor primary vassals: - high king erik
Roi des Voleurs Ch. 2: Question and Answer
"a diamond rhined claymore with a jewel encrusted scabbard once owned by the dread viking erik jarbur." "no shit?" "i mean it!" "well tell us the story, now, can't hold that tale back."
Against All Odds: Part 31 - Sands of Time
If erik testifies about what he's seen and heard yuri do at home, and it looks like he will, then yes, he'll go down for a good stretch. the others will likely follow... _if_ they catch them." "good. hopefully they'll get what's coming to them."
Long Road to the Council
erik was kind enough to explain that to me, at the very least. the trip continued in silence. holly was on edge. heather, fortunately for her, had fallen asleep. i had to keep my mouth shut to stop the tears.
The peculiar furmeet
"hi, i'm erik, but i prefer everyone calling me garrun. i was in the black wolf fursuit a moment ago." "oh, that's one of the nicest fursuits i ever saw." garrun chuckled. "maybe because the two fursuits are the only fursuits you've seen before?"
Against All Odds: Part 7 - Welcome to Velika
erik, my colleague will be there. he has said he would very much like to meet you, a real-life polcian." nathan felt a pang of anxiety at that prospect, but quickly got past it. 'if he's anything to do with alex, i'm sure he's nice.
Ferret's Five - Forming the Five
"i'm exile huscoon, and the others huddled around are ian, xavier, erik, and luke."
Dragon Storm: Chapter 45: Lazz's back-up plan and the Anonymous Wanghu!
\ erik andersson \\ // `.,' `./`. `. ||// `-. `.