Sands of Tahamasset - 1

Great undulating dunes of ivory sand rolled past below the tempest, and jarl was suddenly acutely aware that he'd lost his bearings.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 2: Kitten of Dust

One night a hunting caravan found his body left out in the middle of a sand dune. tales of his death were highly exaggerated because his "fur" was a rather unnatural shade of bright blue, one of the very few colors us sand cats can see.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 88

They had no sooner started pushing and shoving and thrashing and flailing than a surge of snow fell upon their heads, pushing them down against the cold, hard ground and piling even more snow on top of that, creating a growing dune that spread as far as the

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Taking a brief rest behind a dune of snow, the otter found himself gasping and panting for air, struggling to take a full breath even out of the grip of the wind. he leaned against the staff with his entire weight, his chest heaving.

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Blood and Shadow- Chapter 3

Even the scorched earth from the campfire was carefully hidden under the desert dunes. preza, who was still weak from her time out in the harsh elements was resting on the back of the same thaluk as hybrin.

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Phoenix's Story - Chapter One

Sara felt sad for him and decided to give him a burial in the sand dune he had fallen on. her pokemon helped, moving the freezing sand aside as they dug a hole to place his body in...

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The Truth in Lies

They could see what appeared to be the entire town guard as well as small groups of soldiers from mount dune, the king's personal fortress, standing at attention.

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The Meeting

By his estimate, he had walked about 6 miles before the sun finally started showing over the dunes and the temperature began to pick up hurriedly. "it's hot today," he says as he continues to walk.

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The Redeem: Chapter 1

Before i knew it, i saw you coming up over this dune." i sighed softly. i had to stop crying. even my tears were precious at this point. i had made my choice. "jason, i don't know if i'll ever be able to forgive you.

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Shadow Project: A Strange Find

The two men were now inside a large chamber underneath a giant sand dune. there is a reason this structure had been named 'the temple'. it was the largest structure they had found yet.

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Rangertale, Ch.8: Blades of Eulas

Yet, it seemed that the two ranger's mission would bring them to the very center of these bleak red dunes. the first storm arrived quickly.

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Shadows Bleeding From the Light: Chapter 3

dunes rose high above and a harsh wind blew sand into her eyes as they drew closer. the setting sun shone to the left and the faintest of stars glimmered on the right.

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