Raspberry Line Chapter 18

But now, even her imaginations had become cold as the frosted pond not far outside her window; as the moon, a solid orb of ice up in the sky; as the cricketless nights so disturbingly quiet.


group therapy Part 6

Ryan distinctly remembered the section kyle had read: group s, for 'disturbing crimes'. it occurred to ryan that cannibalism may fall as a 'disturbing crime'.

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Not a Word

Pushing the common room door inward, cara slipped in, and smiled bashfully as the rabbit jumped, clearly shocked to be disturbed by anyone at this hour of the night.

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Arc 1 - Ephraim - 1: The Escape

The clouds, disturbed by the backlash of arcane energy started to drop their contents over the devastated countryside.

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Divine: Chapter 4

The old mongoose seemed deeply disturbed by this, more so than the pulse of energy from the day before. there was no light-hearted humor. it had all evaporated away. two paladins were sent with vicar morrel.

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Thursday Prompt - Aisle Twenty

Kuveli shuffled over to join him, his cloak rustling and disturbing the fragile silence. he, too, crouched down beside the skull of the skeleton, recognising it as that of a feline with its shorter muzzle.

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A Little Peace, part 1

It was a series of rooms swaddled with heavy amounts of silencing spells so that footsteps or voices would not disturb injured creatures or the mages working on them.

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Of Dungeons and Dragons

The unsettling thought took its place next to its disturbing sibling. now they were both playing with his fear, uncertainty spraying through his head.

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Patience and Chill (Otherwise Untitled)

She was deliberate with her breathing, careful to not disturb the auto-patch that had formed in the tangle of her suit, the gut wound, and whatever debris the engine decided to share with her.

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Try to wake the jackalope up asking Excuse me where am I

The eevee, mudkip, and mew immediately get up and move alongside the jackalope at the disturbance. the jackalope still holds you and gets up and tosses your appendage that stirred it aside. "are you a dream? did i do it again?

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Velvet screens cover my eyes from disbelief i make my way to the next bar, stealing smiles like a thief to the pub, i drag my problem to the curb in the cold, away from warm conversation, they sit unable to disturb weights off my shoulders, i approach

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Pages From a Dog’s Diary #2

I left the garden, quietly the way i came in, as to not disturb the scene. now i know the house is alive. although the windows always seem dark, there's a tiny flame burning in there, behind the gray old walls.

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