Demon Blood: The Half Demon And The Sword Of Light
As they are traveling to find the strange traveler they end up fighting some demons and learn that there is indeed a demon lord that has been summoning demons to attack the kingdoms.
Demon Wolf and Demon Boy
The sea was gripped in a gale strong and wild, just the night for demon beast and demon child.
A war of the heart
"now let's go" devil sighs as he heads west still. hours pass and nighfall sets the team is exhausted they finally stop and rest.."spectre you take the first watch" devil says.
A Cursed Hunter
I scented demons around the clearing where i knelt and i drew my sword. an hour later, fifteen demons had fallen to my sword. 'not my best' i thought, 'but respectable.'
Lost Memories: Chapter 4: Knightlocked
As the next demon was about to attack, i threw myself at the demon and stabbed right through it. it then turned to dust and was no more. another demon lunged at me but shane intercepted and bashed it with his shield.
The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry Two
From the perspective of a demon queen, readers learn about the early days of the world, when the first mortals were created. they will also uncover the demons asserting their place in terriam with their own creations, the monsters.
Her Most Precious Treasure
Hell's own objects and demons keep appearing one by one.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 5
Forcing my demon seed to fully develop.
The Truth
Seeing anger in the demons eye "o wait i ripped her in half with my bear hands" jinn called out laughing. sadly though she was a fire demon witch hurt...really badly.
Candy Fiend Showdown
Snowheart turned back to the candy fiend. "you shouldn't have threatened my friend. "and you shouldn't talk so much!" the candy fiend did a sweeping blow with his cub.
Wolfen - Chapter 26
All their shelters were shattered, most likely trampled under the massive feet of the demons. there were several bodies of fallen demons scattered around, but he paid them no mind as soon as his eyes moved to the center of the camp.
Baxley's deal with Satan
The devil smiled. "you are as they said you would be.