
He considered she might have cybernetic scent glands. or maybe she was an android, with an artificial chemical scent, like ami. "no," she said. "i'm just surprised you gave up so easy. men tend to get offended when i say i'm not interested."

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Shadow Stalkers: Jinx Pt 3

Born organic humanoids, the moment they hatched from their cybernetic eggs, they were implanted with highly advanced wetware, which would grow with them.

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The Lost One: The Fall

Fully activated their cybernetics too. almost shot at me when i pulled up." "oh that's not good. how many?" "73 was the final count. an even 36 each except for larry getting the guy on the ladder.

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A New Job - Part 1

We'll be replacing your brain with a cybernetic replacement which will help with those sort of troubles." he turned the screen, "does that mean you want to take the job stardust?"

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Thunderweaver Volume 1: Prologue: Rainy Night and Uneasy Sleep

It was a world of magic and beyond, filled with cybernetics, knights, gods and more. its inhabitants were of anthropomorphic animals of bipedal nature with their own societies to boot.


Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 4

It was barbaric in a way, when limb-regrowth and cybernetic implants were a common thing. her wings would be healed, functional and ready for flight. why cut them off? he dismissed it as cultural and religious differences.

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Isolation-Excerpt 25-Ghoul

"son", he said, "tomorrow i want you and mike to pay the treetop cybernetics lab a visit. don't take anything, shoot anything if you can help it, or try and find survivors, just go, look around, come back and tell me what you saw.

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The Laputan Factor 02

The eye patch concealed an extremely advanced cybernetic scanner/sensor and micro-computer that presumably connected directly into the hare's brain, providing more information than any ordinary eye could, and doubling as an expression of bad-ass-ness.

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A Dark History, a New Story

Safest place in the whole world after the gardukian armed forces base, and the preferred habitat for amphibian gardukians, it excels at science and more specifically, bio-technology, the science of cloning, physical and chemical enhancement of subjects, and cybernetic

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Outcast - Chapter 2

Instead of such a barbaric procedure," said the cheetah, "i suggested that the damaged portions of your muscles be replaced with cybernetic implants." dr.

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The Big Sister Part Twelve: Adriana's Wrath!

The cybernetic fox did something unorthodox for once in his life, he pushed himself up off the ground and started to make a run for it. never in the entirety of his military career would herman flee from the enemy, yet adriana was no normal foe.

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"she gets cybernetic upgrades later in life..." ami said, smiling softly now. "to be more like me. part organic, part machine--the best of both of us." for reasons he couldn't quite describe, a grin slowly spread over shade's face.

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