The Magic Attic: Toonish TV Antics

"Hey, thanks for the help Rerim. I've been meaning to clean this place up for weeks but I haven't had time." Tiran explained as he poked a stick with a hook on it up into a hole and pulled down a flight of stairs, "Here we go." The otter winced as a...

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TLoS: The fall of the dragon of legend (Chapter 5)

The curiosity took control over spyro and he looked into hypter's eyes but off course he shouldn't have done that.

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The Unintended Curse ch11

It amazed me again that he would knowingly acknowledge the fact that i resided within him and worked with me every now and again, instead of constantly fighting against me for control of his body.

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The Unintended Curse ch8

Though unbeknownst to the others, the man was not in control of his actions as he seemed to be unaffected by the ail.

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[Breast Cancer Awareness Month] Lily's Ribbon pt. 1

Lily sat on her college dorm room bed. It was the day after her mother's funeral and she still didn't want to go to classes. The professors understood for the most part, most of them also having been touched by breast cancer in their...

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Lunaforte Granz Part three Mutation

Koon and others like him could shut down those within range once they had decoded their systems control protocols. but it was a lengthy process and merely served to slow them down instead of stopping them outright.

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Blood Red: Chapter Five: Blood Red

I answered, trying hard to fight back and try to regain control over my body. "i...killed him because...because elise told me felt good to was the first time i killed..." "good...good..."

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Part 2: Trouble

When it went into him, some went up to his brain, completely covering it and going into it, giving complete control to carlos. the white cheetah in front of terry smirked, his tail swishing; as expected, the goo had worked.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Thirteen

His father was very controlling and decided son's future for him, but his son had other plans. he wanted to protect and serve while his father wanted him to take over the family business.

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Paraskepite- Chapter Five

Chapter Five Joseph dropped Mike back at the station before he drove off back to the Sacred Oak Nursing Home. He called to notify of his arrival and hoped to get a hold of Alice Reed but she was off until the late evening. Joseph would...

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Paraskepite- Epilog

Epilog Life returned to normal and a new topic for the media to exploit fill in now that they no longer promoted Mad Cow Disease. The parasite vaccine was quickly distributed and no one knew what it was really used for or what it was made of....

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Paraskepite- Chapter Twenty

This was done on television but what the ghost hunters never repealed was that a person was behind the camera with a remote control that activated the machine.

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