The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 35
As they were getting closer to the narrowing once more mountainside, this time though from both sides, cutting off any escape route and basically a chance for hesitation or detour, cynder was slowing down her pace, cogs in her head starting to turn faster
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 13
When i accidentally mentioned that it had something to do know...the kinky stuff, all sorts of images keep pouring into my head and i can't get rid of them" his words were enough to start the cogs of fantasy inside her own head.
"Aspirations of Eden": SFW (Male Anthro Cat TF)
"my dear, you are nothing more than a cog in the timeless wheel of science! now, be a good gear and do your part. my goals, my lofty, almost heavenly aspirations, are unworthy of your tainted hands. very well then rita, i welcome you to my study.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 4
With a fiery pop his lips took their solid, soft shape iris noticed that the moment of repelling shock was over, all three again started to think, she could see the cogs turning in their heads and despite how she disliked the idea, she had to admit that they
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 10
Where else i could see-" the dragonesses voice trailed off abruptly as every cog in her head started turning at its top speed, sorting through every memory, every sensation, every dream. dream...
The Coffin: Part 8
Marcus caught a glimpse of countless cogs and levers moving the great slab of rock, and the wolf could feel the mechanism churning underneath the chest.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 13
cogs in her head started turning on their own, mind taking the opportunity of quiet atmosphere began processing ideas and thoughts.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 9
Kept feeling her hand at my back that i met so many new friends, friends who didn't care that i was bigger and taller and had sharp fangs and claws, friends who didn't care that i liked to carve statues and draw sketches in my spare time and tinker with cogs
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 81
His skin wide open, and now all he could see was the heavy base of the grinder in the middle of the mill floor, a great big stone with a circular groove along the top, and a second stone above that, resting on its side like a giant coin, held in place by cogs
"even though it's nice to stare at the cog wheels, overthink the existential condition and play solitaire, it can get a little dull. so would you mind if you played a few games with me?" he sat down and spread four cards face down.
Sent Kobold Chapter 3: Kobold's Past
I also took a liking to going to the trap maker's workshop, seeing the cogs move, the wheels spin, watching the masters at work. i could say this obsession with machines and traps is still with me and has influenced all of my life.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 173
Wrenched to the side, and now all he could see was the heavy base of the grinder in the middle of the mill floor, a great big stone with a circular groove along the top, and a second stone above that, resting on its side like a giant coin, held in place by cogs