Hypnovember Day 12 - Program

The cockpit-shaped booth looked (and sounded) like an arcade machine too, with its incongruous camo decals and its plastic shell. apparently it was one of the most advanced flight sims in the world. not that chance would know.

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The Surge: An Argon Story

Crewmen dawned on green camo's with classic land use uniforms. the officers worn what looked like that of a earth fleet navy uniform with a clear similarity. the same when it came to the crewmen.

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STI- Hector's Plight

Not for warmth so much as camouflage. the big owl had eyes everywhere. if one of the boys spotted him this far from town, they'd be on him fast enough.

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Chapter 2

We're heading towards our mechanized detachment to start rolling towards atlanta and link up with taskforce green" we walked towards a group of about seventy anthros, who all either wore the army universal camouflage or multi-cam.

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Winter War

If the snow fell thick and heavy, if it began to stick to the ground, his camo would be useless, no worse than useless, he'd stick out like a sore thumb.

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Timothy's Vacation

Answered the raccoon, who was wearing a pair of camo shorts and a horizontally-striped yellow, blue and green shirt. "i'm corky. we're neighbours!

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A Silly, Merrie, Looney Story (Commission for DragonfireNY)

Wearing only a pair of green and brown camouflage shorts (which, due to the limits of the universe, didn't look like it even moved, even as he pumped his legs chasing the horse).

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Catch Me If You Can

He dressed quickly in his camouflage outfit, pocketing the foxhunt transmitter after a quick check to make sure it was working, and hurried off to breakfast.

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Chapter Two

.** i toss my phone on the bed and get up to put on some green camo shorts, my converse socks along with my high-top converse shoes.

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The Adventures of Bloodstrype ch4) The Queen's Council

Taking my seat i input a command code into the computer system and the active camouflage goes from mimicking the deck plating to displaying the squad colors and the queen's crest on a clean white hull.

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a rival

He was a brown furred jackal, slightly muscular, with a leather vest and dark green camo pants. "huh? oh, i'm jack" he said, and turned away.

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An Ordinary Day - Chapter 5: Yaoists, Fear Them

"who cares if we're pure white if we can camouflage as easy as we breath?" tsuchi's voice sounds as if it's coming from everywhere all at the same time. i feel the arms leave my shoulders and turn around.

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