Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eigth Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile at an island paradise in another dimension.
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile on a tropical paradise. "that game is rigged!" dr.
Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! "greetings! and welcome to another year of thirteen tales!" dr.
SHIFT TAILS: Sun and Moon
Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord! shift tails threat analysis, information and legend status sun and moon so to sum up this report.
SHIFT TAILS: Faerie Courts
Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord!
Bear With Me: Part 1
To be continued in part 2support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! bear with me part 1 by calextheneko 'hey... human. can you hear me?' "what?"
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play
There is a picture that goes with this story.see heresupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile on an island paradise in another dimension.
Should Have Studied
One day he's forced to stay after class until he can cast a spell to materialize a carbuncle, and won't leave until a carabuncle is in that on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
The Pet Shop of Doom
Or are they doomed to instead be sold to new owners who probably don't have their best interests at on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Thirteenth Tale
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile, at the airport waiting gate. "ugggh i'm worn out." dr.
So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel
Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! so you've just become a weresquirrel if you're reading this pamphlet it can mean only one of two things.