Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eigth Tale

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile at an island paradise in another dimension.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile on a tropical paradise. "that game is rigged!" dr.

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Thirteel Tales From Another World: FIrst Tale

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! "greetings! and welcome to another year of thirteen tales!" dr.

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SHIFT TAILS: Sun and Moon

Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord! shift tails threat analysis, information and legend status sun and moon so to sum up this report.

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SHIFT TAILS: Faerie Courts

Shift adventure trackerjoin calex's transformation station on discord!

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Bear With Me: Part 1

To be continued in part 2support on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt! bear with me part 1 by calextheneko 'hey... human. can you hear me?' "what?"


Siblings Fight and Siblings Play

There is a picture that goes with this story.see heresupport on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Thirteen Takes From Another World: Tenth Tale

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile on an island paradise in another dimension.

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Should Have Studied

One day he's forced to stay after class until he can cast a spell to materialize a carbuncle, and won't leave until a carabuncle is in that on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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The Pet Shop of Doom

Or are they doomed to instead be sold to new owners who probably don't have their best interests at on patreondonate a ko-fifollow on twitterdiscord serverget the official calex fan club shirt!

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Thirteenth Tale

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! physical books and ebooksbuy my book! meanwhile, at the airport waiting gate. "ugggh i'm worn out." dr.

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So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel

Ko-fi link follow on twittertwitter link join calex's transformation station on discorddiscord server official calex t-shirtsbuy my shirts! so you've just become a weresquirrel if you're reading this pamphlet it can mean only one of two things.

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