From Bully to Baker: Different Shades of Gideon Grey - Chapter 6: Baking With Determination

"we were glad to, gid," travis told him as he took a bite of his own. "mmm." alizar was next to try a bite. "tastes great!" tyler then took a bite himself. "ah agree with ya, son. this is the best one yet."

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Zookeeper Into Monkey TF Story

Suddenly...the oldest monkey bites his leg! "ow!" marvin yells, stepping back, and trips, falling to the soft ground. the monkeys run to him and start inspecting him, sniffing him all over. "why'd you bite me?..i'm friendly.."


CSYA Ch7: Free-Day

"can you bite through this?" "that's plastic, of course he can," emma said. "why would i want to bite it anyway?" thrax interjected. "most canines, and felines have to work on plastic, chewing it over time to get through.

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dreams part 1

I asked as he stared at me with amazement. he said "because your brother and friends shoved you in my mouth and made me bite your head off." he said sadly. my eyes widened in shock "when?" i asked him.


A Forlorn Love Part 4

I took another bite of food, then another, and another. each bite came to my mouth faster than the last did. "my you must have been starving. poor thing, don't you ever eat when you're at home?"

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing

This time, shaun pinned him to the floor, trying to bite his neck. the older wolf put his arm forward, making kevin bite it instead. he didn't pull back, biting his arm as hard as he could, trying to draw blood.

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Greener Pastures, Part Six: Start of Term/Samantha the Bat, Part 1

She was still biting at her nail, and i reached up a paw to take hers, making her stop mid bite. "sorry," she wiggled her fingers, "habit." "i get it," i nodded to her, "but i only told you this because eddie and i are really close.

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The Serpent Curse - Chapter 9

Now it has transferred to you as it's unaffected carrier, until the time when you bite the fruit and release habibah's sin back into it. at the word "bite", the world begins to shift around kiah as if she's seeing the situation in a new light.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 78

_ nilia increased the pressure, biting down harder and harder.

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A New Life (Part 5)

"well, i assume you got away safely, seeing as you're still here and there's no bite on your neck." "bite? what do you mean?" brande asked, his eyes widening as he thought of a horror movie that he had seen back on earth.

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Studies/The Three Trials/ Lost Language

Move in order: belly drum, agilityx3, endure, mirror coat, counter, double teamx3, kinesisx3, lock-on, knock off, hypnosis, bite, and crunch.

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