The Half-Moon Tribe: Four Moons Saga III

I didn't have time to mentally assimilate this information. i just growled and pointed at the enemy. my voice loud and commanding. "i, renin the new alpha-mage, ask the gods to strike this man down!"

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Through Darkness - Chapter 2, The Firefight (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)

Pleaaaase go ahead and view this on Wattpad- []( But if you really don't want to do that, leave some feedback on this story if you could-

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Through Darkness - Chapter 1, What Remains (A Metro 2033 inspired book.)

(Before you go ahead and read this, I'd ask that you'd please go ahead and view this on Wattpad. And while you're at it, please vote for it on there too.) The dull yellow light of the handheld torch cut through inky blackness like a broken, rusty...

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Jaguar Feathers Initial Concept (Recycled)

Poles who had been living side by side with about a million refugees who came to the rising polish nation from the norse empire, and new arrivals from germany and the russian steppe, as the virtue and skill at arms attracted certain tribes to come live and assimilate

Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

The alien technology keeps trying to assimilate everything and occasionally we have to give it a good knock to get it to stop." fara replied. "what other surprises should i be aware of?" harry asked. "the rest is mostly confederation technology.

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The Spectrum of Us

Internally, i perceive my ai clusters as they adapt, assimilating the urgent directives into their existing neural frameworks. hidden layers of artificial neurons modify their connections, adjusting their internal weights and biases.

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Walls: Reboot 6 - The Spellbound King

I shut the door, and focused on maddox once more, 'have you fully assimilated hazel's research?' 'not yet... is it a priority?' maddox wondered. 'it is. study the material, alert me when you're done, and teach me what i need to know,' i thought.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act IV, Part 7

Then the screen flickered before displaying two genetic codes side-by-side, saying evenly: "the dark nephilim and subject-0, judging from security footage and energy measurements taken during moments of conflict, show at least seventy-five percent mental assimilation

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Sparks of an Ancient Light - Chapter 4

'soon your people will be gone, assimilated by the modern world.' her face became twisted by an inner turmoil, 'soon you'll find yourselves huddled in a dingy flat, while your neighbors shout at one another all day!!'

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School Lunch (RP log with RandomtheFox)

In a weird way, his fear was mitigated by the darkness that surrounded him and seemed to cling to him in an effort to assimilate him as simply a part of the snake's body, no longer a separate living being.

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Episode 13: Recovery

Materials needed to be gathered, resources converted and components.... assimilated. \* \* \* terri opened her door to see jenna waiting patiently dressed in khaki slacks and a mauve blouse. "you ready?" jenna asked. "yeah."

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Chaos Eternal

Her tongue licked her chops to the prospect of assimilating more divine essence. and thanks to the suddenness of her ascension, they didn't stand a chance. one by one, every galaxy in the universe disappeared into stormy's gaping maw.

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