Black Magic - Chapter One: Sometimes I Hate This City
On top of that, dante had absolutely no problem at all with passing on his amassed knowledge to me, creating a pet warlock's apprentice of his very own.
Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 4
I was wondering if you might take her on as an apprentice." she looked karme up and down with a critical eye. karme couldn't help but focus on a smudge of white paint on her cheek.
Running Rivers - Under the Surface Chapter 10
Technically, he was the shaman, not an apprentice, but he knew so little. he was grateful to have tai to teach him, even if tai wasn't as kind - or caring - as len was.
A Tail of Two Peoples - Unexpected Kinship
"he's my apprentice. my first, actually. to be an apprentice to a master assassin is considered a huge honour, since there stand only 16 of us. svara was one, so are kyl'e and tai."
Cold Blood 11: Cut Deep
"i've always had a particularly good touch with this magic ... this, apprentice, is where i truly got my name." dacien could understand that.
I, Dacien - Chapter Seven - Illumination
Metaphor is a poor tool, apprentice, language lacks the words for these concepts but we are not limited to words, and this is something i would have you understand."
Prophecy #1 Generations of Greatness (Shoreclan)
- **starclan's prophecy** - "icey blue, tree fur and three legs will lead the clan" **#002:** brakenkit is born, her jaw breaks at 3 moons old and she loses her tail at moon 5 she is named brokenpaw as an apprentice.
John Wolfe: The Merchant
I thought john wolfe could be an inspirational figure in my future stories, perhaps as a master to an apprentice, or obtain a wandering companion. thank you for reading. roro- the following document is the profile of my character.
A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 7
"this apprentice could maybe have lost it or maybe given it away for all that we know." "i think the amulet is too precious to him to either lose or give it up. i don't think we should concern us too much about that" hiccup ensured.
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 2 - A New Hope
No way that he is an apprentice!" " calm down.
Chapter 27
At the time, nu and phanes were both apprentices on a journey to expand their horizons and discover the unknown. in keeping with their mission, they asked for access to the void temples.
The Clockwork Falcon - part 11: a Backwards Job
Tuck had actually left jenny's bakery to go meet with his employer and tell him about the professor's apprentice and his new girlfriend, although he was a little reluctant about this latest endeavor.