Short Stories: Why Exist? Part 5 - Chapter 2
I've regret my doing and... want to start anew" i did not fully understand what he just said but i got the main meaning with his words and nodded in confirmation.
Hidden Love Ch5
The whole time he was blasting either the new bullet for my valentine or imerica by anew revolution. "jace is in his room." jace's dad said, he just shook his head. "whats wrong?" jace asked "what makes you think there is somthing wrong?"
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Alta ferro is a city where anyone can find anything and become anyone, be it a business man looking to start anew, an actor looking for their big break, or a criminal wanting to go pro.
Cinderfella, Chapter 1: Mouse in the House
#2 of cinderfella let us tell an old story anew, and see how well you know it only with some of the genders switched around ;). **cinderfella** **chapter 1: mouse in the house** "pepito! pepito!!
The Ethereal Plane: Chapter 1
The prophecy states, 'when the boundary between worlds wears thin and the swords are discovered by the one who does not die, the man of the golden eyes will wield the blades of life and death and he will create the boundary anew.'."
Beneath the Obsidian Veil, Chapter 2 (part 1)
Unhappy with their creations, the destroyers harbored a desire to obliterate everything and start anew. in stark contrast, the protectors deemed this notion cruel and diabolical, dedicating themselves to thwarting the destructive intentions.
Roo's Day
She'd love to just forget her old life and live one anew where she was bigger than the whole world. the problems the world had wouldn't matter when she was bigger than the planet itself. "just sell me the potion."
The End (Kreet 31)
No, best to start her life anew. she felt the heavy iron neck ring close around her neck as she was shackled to the other slaves and they began to walk...
Moving along to the next section of display case, which involved lobo just shuffling along the floor on all fours as fast as he could, the feline began his whole process of greedy gluttony anew.
Wetpelts - Intro
He could feel it growing inside him, beginning the change anew. it had all begun three summers ago, when his father had brought a wolf, chained with a silver collar, from a sea-galley that had crashed ashore on the swells.
The Void
With all of that said i came to this dialogue with my own child and asked why i had a view of the world such as 'burning it all and growing anew may be better."
A beautiful world, prologue part 1/2
He then began chanting, his resolve was determined to lay waste to this wretched excuse of a hateful planet and give life anew, for as he would open his portal, anything going through it would be forever changed.