The Corporate: Part 7 of 8

The image of a young boy soon changed to that of an older child, still young but not as small, perhaps in late youth. he was sitting at a table,in front of him a great feast and surrounded by family. they laughed. he laughed.

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TItle in Progress ~ Prologue

It appeared to be very young boy, roughly three years old. "shh... it's alright," the women said in a calming voice as she nuzzled the child, "mommy's here..."

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Journey to the West: The first steps

Just as he got to the peak of a rocky outcrop, a young boy out exploring before bedtime froze. mike froze as well, unsure of what to do. just as he was pondering what to do next, the boy let out a scream.

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"Mountain of the Yeti"

The young boy can do what he please, like some huckleberry finn, whenever he wants. he pretty much even goes barefoot while wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants, 'cause he believes it gives him more freedom.

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Time -Chapter 1-

"last night on bender street in this alley, the body of a young male was located. badly beaten with many stab wounds..." an older male wiped his eyes, blowing his nose on a fresh kleenex, he listened to the reporter closely or so it seemed.

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Ghost Bio

While still a young male, he put his only friend to sleep, because the panther couldn't take the ordeal any longer.

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Red's Interesting Day Part 1

Right now, the young boy was clad in a light grey t-shirt with his favorite tv show on the front, an animated show for boys his age about a cool dog who solves mysteries.

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The Curse of the Sacchariferous Queen: A Tale of Bubblegum and Greed

But this time, one young boy refused. you see, he wanted to keep his bubblegum, having never chewed it. and you must admit, it took quite a large amount of courage for one so small to stand up to that great bulk and tell her, "no!

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Midnight Swim: A Pokemon Fanfic

"come on ash," serena said pulling the young boy down the dark and dusty path. "it'll be fun." she said. ash looked at her "but i don't want to go swimming now," he said trying to release his arm from her iron grip.

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Vixi's Shocking Meal

She saw a young male pikachu sleeping peacefully. "looks like it's my lucky day today. he looks delicious!" she whispered to herself. she then quietly got in leaping distance and pounced on the pikachu, waking him up immediately.

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Letting Go (Concept)

Seeing that the craft was a lost cause as the other motor began to smoke and flame, the athletic young male locked the controls and grabbed the single parachute, then wrapped his arm around the unconcious dog, lugging him to the door in the back of the

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The Rise of Serpens: The Reptile God Revealed

The young boy chris had immediately latched onto the water monitor karina and within a week, he was a water monitor himself.
