The Corporate: Part 7 of 8

Story by Extrementalis on SoFurry

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#8 of Writing

Seventh installment of the Corporate. Check in tomorrow (the 25th) for the final update of the story.

The Winter Chronicles

December of 2013

The Corporate: Part 7 of 8

These images of him, playing with his sister. His parents bringing dinner out to them. What a wonderful life it was.

But why was he being shown this? What could any of this mean?

The image of a young boy soon changed to that of an older child, still young but not as small, perhaps in late youth.

He was sitting at a table,in front of him a great feast and surrounded by family. They laughed. He laughed.

The images soon switched again to a young teenager. But these images were not as jovial as the prior. Images of the

boy sitting at a desk, papers in front of him and his head in his hands. The papers resembled that of legal documents of a

sort. Harold remembered these papers almost too clearly. The vision continued to a dark, cement walled room lined with hard

and broken beds, some without mattresses. Harold remembered the building. It was the orphanage he had spent the last years

of his childhood in. He grew angry. It was them! They did this to him! This was why he was so miserable. But he'd show them!

But, the vision switched again. His parents were there. They had their heads down, and he could not see their faces.

Next to them, his sister, Beth. Her face was red, and there were tears streaming from her eyes. In Front of her was a man

dressed in a black suit. She ran to him, slamming her fists against him. Harold could hear her faintly. She was screaming at

the man. Then he saw his face. He recognized him as the man who owned the orphanage. Behind him was Harold's younger self.

Beth forced herself around the man and grabbed hold of Harold. The man responded by taking hold of her and forcing her away.

He had forgotten just how hard Beth had fought for him to stay. Harold now began to realize how much he had taken her

for granted. To him, she had just been another employee. Just another employee number he had to pay salary.

Harold began to think. What could he do to correct all of the wrong he'd done? As if reading his thoughts, the

mysterious being whom held him suspended crooked his head, as if acknowledging an idea. Harold was lowered back to his feet.

The strange apparitions that had haunted him just a moment ago reappeared, the lights in their chest glowing once again. And

with them, Harold realized exactly what he needed to do.