Well Met By Moonlight (Teaser)
Moonlight shone down from a cloudless sky as Thomas Harris walked through the winter forest. He moved slowly, scanning the trees and ruined houses around him. Most of the buildings were broken down and decrepit; the last time people had lived here had...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 43: Refugees
I tried to keep my eyes forward, tried to ignore the racket behind me. Helaina's irritating laugh grated at my last nerves. How dare they be so carefree, so happy, after what they'd done! They'd caused Daws to die, saving me from their petty prank. ...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 31: chaos
There are some moments in life where time seems to slow, but never for long enough to change anything. There are other moments where you are sure you must be dreaming from the twisted and strange way everything looks and feels felt? These mixed into a...
Demarcation Line: Chapter 3 - My Sword
Chapter 3 - My Sword ... ... ... Ouch. That was my first thought after regaining consciousness. I am now staring at the white ceiling above me, contemplating life. Well, actually, I probably would be if not for the distraction that is currently...
Burnt Phoenix Ch01 Uncomfortable travel on the train
Burnt Pheonix Chapter One _Uncomfortable travel on the train_ Three furry humanoids stood in the scant shade provided by the crumbling brick wall of the train station. An ancient looking, beat up train waited on the tracks before them. Towering...
PAE - Rape City Background
#4 of post-apocalyptic earth rape city background ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ disclaimer: the following fictional story is intended only for open-minded adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances
Sweet Home Chicago
This was done as a request, involving one of my old characters in an epic battle in a post-apocalyptic setting.
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 19: Light
So... bright. It was so bright it hurt my eyes. I blinked rapidly as I tried to adjust. Somewhere in the light, Shadow called, "Don't just stand there half-way out!" A dark paw grabbed mine and hauled me across the dry, white expanse. My eyes...
The Dark City: Canyon of Death
The Dark City: Canyon of Death You've been under the water for some time now; the walls of the city are very thick. You're almost to your limit when you finally see the light from the moon appear. You gasp for air as you come up for a breath, no...
A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 15: Recovery
Stillness, floating stillness. But something dragged me to the surface. "...-ler...." I bobbed in and out of my mind. "-ler! Tyler!" I felt a distant sensation. A faint feeling on my facefur. "Wake up!" a distant fur sobbed. "Please, don't...
The Last Stand
These are the last words I will be writing; it's a shame that it would end like this, but before it ends, I would to leave a legacy behind me, so, maybe one day someone... or something would be able to understand what happened to this place, this...
Black Widow and The Tarantula Ten
Black Widow and the Tarantula Ten I loaded up my six-shooter, putting in the bullets one by one, knowing that the gun wasn't nearly big enough for what was coming. Jason cleared his throat, a clear sign of nervousness that I never liked. He was...